Mar 14, 2012 16:47
I know I said I was going to do an update for Christmas but :/ with my health how it was (and still kind of is, ie: complete hell), horrible finals, having my wisdom teeth removed (and the subsequent vicodin-filled daze), and having to deal with my family for an actual, extended period of time I got very little done. Plus my lovely friend who has been giving me feedback on the fic, that was meant to be the Christmas update, have been having trouble finding spare time to sit down and address/brainstorm solutions for some issues.
I also still have no beta and didn't have the energy to search for one, to be completely honest...
So like I said I'm so sorry ;; I'll try to be better about this. My new goal for this fic: have it prepped and ready to go for posting on my birthday: Feb. 23rd. It can serve a double as my birthday fic and Kame's birthday marker so... we'll see. I just started a new term at uni and things are already exhausting and my health is still fucking with me.
ALSO! I am so sorry for those of you who were sitting around, waiting for confirmation of your member requests for ages and ages :X I know you're probably not reading this BUT I want you guys to know that it is NOT your faults in any way if I don't immediately approve your requests. While I do take a glance at requestees' profiles to see if it's empty that doesn't stop me from approving it. The way I see it, this whole comm is unlocked anyway and if I do member-lock stuff in the future it'll probably be sneak-peeks and whatnot. So basically nothing of importance.
If it takes me a few days/weeks/months to approve your request it's because in the past few months I've just been glancing through my e-mails for stuff that needs immediate attention. If you've ever spoken to me you'll probably have noticed a) I have the memory and attention span of a goldfish and b) I'm a bit ditzy... lol. Chances are I saw your request, thought, "I'll remember to take care of it when I get home." Which resulted in me forgetting and then I'm reminded a few weeks/months later because someone ELSE makes a request and I remember, "Oh shit, did I ever approve that one person's request?" and then check.
So in short if I don't approve your request immediately: do not fret because nothing on this community is locked, it's because I'm forgetful and busy, it's in no way your fault/a consequence of your actions, AND if you start feeling antsy about it/don't want me to forget about you, just send me a PM after you make the request or once you decide it's been too long. I won't be bothered at all if you PM me about this. If anything I'll be happy because chances are I forgot within a few minutes because I'm so scatterbrained about everything and will LOVE the reminder no matter how quickly or late it comes. Plus, because I can't directly see the PM until I log-in to LJ as opposed to in my e-mail (at least I think I can't? It used to be that way) I'll be curious, star it, and then know to look it up later lol.
Oh and once again sorry for my horrible updating tendencies... meaning the nonexistent ones. I'm still in massive Akame writer's block. I've had no trouble whatsoever churning out 40k+ for an HP fic I started on a whim while dazed out of my mind on vicodin.