Jun 07, 2010 14:24

So I saw a review of the 3rd, but mine was the concert the day after in Amsterdam. ^^ 

I went there with 2 friends, one who went with me, and the third came later. 
We were there at around 3 in the afternoon, and there already was a club of like, 15 people waiting.

It was so hot, it wasn't even funny, so me and my friend went to buy presents for Anli ~
We bought Masa 1L of Red Bull (2 of those huge cans), Kiyo and Takuma cigarettes, Yo-1 a Psyduck pen and Japanese caramal and we bought Shindy Green Tea Mochi. (He also got my eyeliner since I couldn't find any cosmetics shops. And we were  too lazy (it was hot, okay) to walk further). It was as good as new though, so he won't notice. I hope. ( _ _ ")

We made the cigarettes look good (we wrapped the packages with cute tape, pink with cupcakes  for Takuma, black with candy and lollipops and pies for Kiyo, and we wrote their names on it.) And also wrapped the huge cans of Red Bull with pink tape with the Russian babooshka dolls on it, and wrote  "Masatoshi's Red Bull" on it, of course in Japanese ~

Also, we had cute little bags of candy, one for all of them.  :3

Then we waited and we saw the five of them come out and walk away, towards China Town. 
They came back after like half an hour, lit a cigarette and then disappeared back into the hotel again after the had finished. And yes, all the while, we were watching them, and Kiyo nodded at me when he saw me staring looking.

Later, they came out several times, because cars were prohibited in the street, so they had to help move al the instruments and other stuff to the Winston. (And I swear, Shindy is such a princess. All of them carried heavy suitcases and he actually came out to get his bags and he had this kinda reluctant scowl on his face when he had to move two suitcases (presumably with clothes =.=). While Kiyo had to move this huge heavylooking thing on his own, I yearned to help the poor bb.)

Everybody was taking pictures, and Masa and Kiyo stopped and waited for someone right next to us, so I was like o.o -> :3
Ten minutes later this staff-dude came to help and went like ; No pictures, no pictures! 
A bit late, don't you think?

so close. ^^

yeah, a van. so technically, cars could get in, but this was a like garbage/cleaning van. x3

The 'No Pictures' - guy. He sees me taking a pic. I really couldn't have cared less. Because, I mean, look and Yo-1. >w< And yes, there were handsome Asian boys walking behind them. Unfortunately, they were just tourists. ^^; (and shindy with his huge sunglasses.)

Kiyo was wearing cute little hair things. And I really liked his not-done hair. :'3

the thing looked so heavy. T^T


The venue opened at 8, and it took about half an hour for them to come on-stage. 
My friends and I had already bought merchandise (By the  way, I found it weird that you had to pay 8 euro for a poster and a tiny sticker, while julia,  my friend and I went to The Winston (The place where they were performing) a couple of weeks earlier, asking if they had posters left, and we both got a poster for free. @.@) and we had a good spot on the side of the stage, where Julia, my one friend, practically stood next to Yo-1, and I clear vision on Kiyo. and he on me.
I was like, 3 meters away from him ~~

So, I actually forgot with which song they started, but it was awesome. 
The entire performance. There were girls who had made underwear (They threw it at them, and Anli laughed when Shindy saw one of the two man-slips was meant for him, it said Beware and had this 'no - blow-dryers ' sign on it. Yo-1 got one which said 'Taste me' with a arrow pointed at the obvious direction. He said  "NO!" really cutely. ^^)

Shindy didn't go out of tune the entire performance. I'm not really able to give you a lot of details, since I was mostly staring at Kiyo, because he was looking at me so much. The longest I had eye-contact with him was like 15-20 seconds. And he smiled at me all the  time. Laughed with me. And -prepare- bit his lip at me which caused me to go braindead for a small amount of time x.x . Julia and Judith, my friends, also noticed. I was kinda honored he looked at me during his solo, too, with this cute smile, since it's his solo and you don't wanna mess up your solo.

Also, omg, Yo-1's Taste Me dance was soooooooooooo cute ♥♥♥

Yo-1 got hurt though, somewhere  towards the end. He was bleeding really badly. 
Since google translate fails and my japanese isn;t all that good, I can't really figure out what happened, though Masa wrote ; I'm really sorry Yo-1.
So I'm guessing maybe it was Masa's fault, but I could be wrong!!! 
All I know is that Yo-1 was bleeding next to his left eye, but he kinda like shrugged and continued performing. I hope he wasn't in too much pain. ;___;

They played songs I've never heard before /praysforarealalbum and ended the concert with Mr. 0.

Everybody got in line to buy merchandise (while my friends and I  sat close to the small room Anli was sitting in. I hope Kiyo heard my fangirl-ish : Kiyozumi-san, daisuki ~ 
...yeah.  ^^;;

We went to stand last in line for the signing session, so we'd have more time to give them the presents. 
It was kinda sad though, I was holding the letter I wrote Kiyo and my shirt in the same hand, so when I gave Takuma, who was first in signing line, my shirt, he thought the letter was for him and looked happy and actually said domou arigatou and then I had to say that it wasn't for him but for Kiyo, who was standing next to him. Taku went like ; .. Oh. ):
And I was like DDDDDDDDDDDDD: on the inside. I apologized though and Julia gave him his candy and cigarette package, and he was really happy with it (Dude. Pink. Cigarette. Package. With. Cupcakes. and his name).

Then I gave Kiyozumi the letter, and he was really happy with it. then I gave him his own cigarette pachage and he was like; oh, another present? and looked happy to have it. then I gave him the candy and his face went like ;o more presents? He made a small bow to me, and said arigatou, and I just smiled and said you're welcome ~

(lol julia said the others were like ; why is he getting a letter and not me -.-)

I moved on to Masatoshi, since Judith, my other friend had Shindy's presents, and gave him his huge cans of red bull. He looked really happy too, and when I gave him the cute candy, he laughed and said it was really cute, before pointing at his name scribbled on it. (I felt bad though, Shindy signed my shirt, but I forgot to say thank you because of Masatoshi's presents. I felt so rude when I realized that.)

Judith gave Shindy his presents though, and he looked happy with my eyeliner and the mochi and the candy. 
Julia gave Yo-1 the caramel, candy, and Psyduck pen, and he LOVED the Psyduck pen. He went like 8DDDD and stuff. And also was happy when he saw that she had Yo-1 ~ ♥ written beneath her collarbones. He went like :O -> :D and pointed and then pointed at himself. It looked really cute. 
I had 清淳♥ written there. Kiyo didn't mention it but I saw him look several times, so I don't mind. ^^

Julia, Judith and me were the only ones with presents though. secretly we didn't mind, that way they were happier with our presents. :3

Then my I took a picture with Kiyo, and now I am probably one of the happiest fangirls in the world. 8D

Long story short: They were amazing and cute and sweet and sexy and I can't wait till their next tour~~

my life is complete, i love japanese bands, kiyozumi ; marry me, fangirl attack

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