Title: O Green World
Pairing/Group: Nakamaru Yuichi/Taguchi Junnosuke/Tanaka Koki, Nakamaru Yuichi/Taguchi Junnosuke, Taguchi Junnosuke/Tanaka Koki, Nakamaru Yuichi/Tanaka Koki
Rating/Warnings: NC-17-- Sci-fi AU, loads of sex which includes voyeurism and double penetration, also tentacles
Word Count: 16,643 according to gdocs
Summary: Nakamaru
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lzhrbfglhzrbglzrlbg EVERYTHING!
Nakamaru takes a moment to appreciate the view; Koki’s skin is flushed, pants pulled low enough for his erect cock to be put on display.
WANT /grabby hands
he spreads his legs without being prompted, and Nakamaru smiles down at Koki as he pulls one of his ankles up to rest on his shoulder.
OMNOMNOMNOM, nice position *_*
“Nakamaru, go ahead and fuck him,” Taguchi groans through the comm. “Make it fast, I can’t take much more waiting.”
*flailing all the way to Jupiter and back* @___@
It’s Taguchi’s ragged voice that sends them over the edge, a choked-off sound that makes Koki tighten even more as he spills over his own hand.
*____________* LIKE OMG YEAH
“Nakamaru, you’re free to clean up if you’d like, but I’d like for you to bring Koki to my quarters mess-and-all. I’ll take care of picking up after you two once I’ve deployed the sensors.”
LOL, Taguchi. ♥
You know how worried Koki gets, and then it spreads to me and that's no fun at all.
Now onward to part 2!!!!!! :DDDDD
(also, sorry for the numerous comments, but LJ doesn't like the length of my love D;)
also i am glad the science-y technical things weren't boring; thank google
Oh man, they really have a high-sex drive! XDDDD
it's probably the best/most-fun side effect of suspended animation >;3
(also, sorry for the numerous comments, but LJ doesn't like the length of my love D;)
just know that i love the length of your love <3
anyway i just want to keep rolling in these comments okay
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