Title: O Green World
Pairing/Group: Nakamaru Yuichi/Taguchi Junnosuke/Tanaka Koki, Nakamaru Yuichi/Taguchi Junnosuke, Taguchi Junnosuke/Tanaka Koki, Nakamaru Yuichi/Tanaka Koki
Rating/Warnings: NC-17-- Sci-fi AU, loads of sex which includes voyeurism and double penetration, also tentacles
Word Count: 16,643 according to gdocs
Summary: Nakamaru
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Comments 14
Now on to stop all the things I've been doing because I NEED to read this.
So first we have Nakamaru having bad dreams and YOU NEED TO TELL US MORE ABOUT THIS. :| *bricked*
And then there's the scene you already showed me and TOO MUCH UNF IN THE SAME SCENE, FLAILING.
The ship is called STAR RIDER. BRB shouting my happiness.
He slides his hand across the desk and rests his hand on Nakamaru’s. “You’d tell me if they got worse, yeah? Like if you started having the dreams during normal sleep?”
Nakamaru simply nods, turning his hand over to squeeze Koki’s.
MY HEART <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Koki always had had a different standard of being dressed.
The doors open, revealing Taguchi sprawled across his chair. He’s completely still, eyes focused on nothing. If he hadn’t seen such a thing time and again, it would be unsettling; honestly, the first time Nakamaru had witnessed Taguchi’s link with the ship, he’d thought something was actually wrong.
Taguchi's linked to the ship, OMFG! \o/
“Remember that time ( ... )
“Dammit, Taguchi, I’ve told you not to sneak around and crawl into beds,” Nakamaru huffs out a breath, then tries to roll onto his back. “The door was also locked. For a reason.”
“Mmm, of course it was locked. I opened it, for a reason,”
Awwwwww, Taguchi sneaking in beds, so cute! And lol, banter, me likey~<3
He’s wearing the cutest apron, so come and see.
Sounds like something Koki would do lol. Also, UNFFFF~!
Taguchi’s snaked a hand in them, ignoring the buckle and zipper and common decency, and he’s gently stroking Nakamaru to full hardness.
LOL Taguchi + decency = not best friends at all XD
Taguchi looks up at Nakamaru and makes a show of licking his lips.
“It will be fun to wait. I’m telling you, it’s a cute apron,” Taguchi insists.
LOLOLOL oh boy, you're the best! <3
Taguchi was right about the apron; Nakamaru appreciates the view, a sloppy bow resting at the small of Koki's back. He still ( ... )
Taguchi loops an arm around Koki’s shoulders and leans down to whisper in his ear. Koki’s expression goes from reluctance to intrigue, and Nakamaru feels the hair on the back of his neck rise. He wonders what he’s in for later.
LOL, surely more kinky things! :P
Koki leans over to tug at Taguchi’s safety straps. Taguchi makes a strange noise in the back of his throat and he arches into Koki’s touch as best he can. Nakamaru simply watches; when it seems like the two of them will keep going, he has to bark out an order. “Focus, Taguchi! Until we’re safely in the atmosphere, hands to yourself, Koki!”
Oh man, they really have a high-sex drive! XDDDD
When they both look up at him, Nakamaru can’t help but feel disquiet. He’s getting that hair-raising feeling on the back of his neck again.
As you should. XD
"Come on, Yucchi. There's science waiting to happen,"
As soon as Nakamaru secures the door ( ... )
salkfdhskjfhjkg UNF NTT EVERYWHERE, and nothing hurts. <333333
I'm deeply intrigued, and my heart is heavy with foreboding. What is it with Yucchi? :oooo dfhjkhf
*deep breaths* + *dives into the next part*
because we all need more ntt, you know :D
But, this was certainly an interesting read - I'll read the next part soon!
The plot has intrigued me. I'm all interested about the planet now! >w< And Maru's past!
And, I like this kind of Junno ;D
i'm glad you read it and thought so :D
good, good >:3
also this kind of junno is fun, right? (one of my favorite things, man ;3)
thank you for reading, though! <3<3<3
And, to be honest, things like this are often as long as multi-chapters - there are just less pauses~
I'll probably continue reading tonight~ I am really interested to see where this goes xD
Yep, totally *U* I love seeing this kind of Junno xDD
No problem~ <3333
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