So, there've sort of been
a lot of things going on, at least fandom-things wise? Lots of fic happening, and I think you guys should go read my
FQF. Just sayin'-- it's hilarious and hot and DenDen, just go read it 'cause I said so. :3
Also there's
allthegyoza happening too. Though I've not read everything. Mainly because of DoA writing and
kink bingo reasons.
I'll leave this here too, I'm feeling kind of brave:
ANONYMOUS FEEDBACK MEMEmy thread here In other news, I bought
this album today; you can listen to it on the website for free and it's name your own price when you commit to buying. (I guess now it's no secret that I really love synthpop of the... goth sort, even though I kind of hate that particular label. IDK, man. I just like what I like, okay! Synthesizers and cats and DenDen, you know.) Also I managed to lose 9 pounds over the past two weeks though I've eaten terribly half the time (nice to see you again, salt & vinegar chips) and not gone on very many walks because it's been seventh circle of hell hot lately.
And~~ my birthday is in 25 days, just sayin' (I'm going to be twenty-eight21 again, how does that sound to you guys?)
yeah i totally stole that cap from
je_levy, but it's too hilarious not to share. he's just walking like this smiley sasquatch with really good posture, ide