i'll just leave this here

Nov 28, 2011 23:25

For reasons. Like, birthday kinds.

Taguchi Junnosuke/Nakamaru Yuichi/Tanaka Koki
NC-17-- uh, well, there's maybe some bondage and somnophilia and filthy talk
I'm pretty sure none of these things have ever happened, or ever will.

Taguchi was delighted to come home to an apartment that wasn’t empty; usually the lights were off and the living room seemed colder than when he had company, but this evening he’d come home to find Nakamaru smiling smugly on his couch.

“What brings you here, Yuichi? I’m assuming it’s not completely awful, judging by the fact that you’re ominously smirking on my couch.” Junno tossed his keys on the table next to the entrance and crossed the living room, draping an arm around Maru’s shoulders as he took a seat next to him.

“Oh, nothing much, really. We were in the neighborhood and decided to drop by for a while. You don’t mind, do you?” Maru was still uncharacteristically smug, quite a feat to accomplish while wearing a cardigan and bow tie, though Junno would never say anything like that to Maru’s face, ever. He hit really hard; he’d seen Koki on the receiving end of Maru’s surprisingly hard smacks too many times to count.

Junno nodded absently, distracted by his thoughts for a few moments before he picked up on Maru’s we. “Wait, who else is here? And where are they?” Really, there weren’t a lot of options to hide someone in his flat; hopefully it was a person and not an animal, even if he hadn’t heard any suspicious noises.

Maru glanced over to Junno, then turned fully towards him to lean in and whisper into his ear. “Oh, I think you’ll be pleased, just wait.”

The hot breath in his ear was unexpected, as was the flick of Maru’s tongue against his earlobe. Junno was okay with whatever it was that Maru was planning, if this was how it was prefaced. He snaked his hand into Maru’s hair, holding him in place. “Well, Yuichi, you’ve piqued my interest. But before I find out who else is here, you can carry on with what you were just doing.” Junno pulled Maru closer, contentedly humming as Maru’s tongue flicked out again, swiftly followed by teeth grazing down the side of his neck, only pausing long enough for Maru to clamber into his lap.

Between licks and kisses, Maru spoke, low and hot, so much filthier than Junno ever expected. “We’ve been waiting so long for you to get home, Junno, you have no idea. We’ve been having to do our best to not just give up and touch ourselves, or just fuck in your bed without you here, rumpling the sheets and leaving them a mess, so when you’d walk in you’d smell the sex that happened without you. It was such a struggle, Junno.”

Junno allowed Maru to continue for only a few more minutes; he was rather impatient to find out who else was in his house and had managed to inspire Maru in such a way. He pushed gently at Maru’s chest, quietly taking the lead, which was only fair since it was his apartment. “Yuichi, why don’t you show me who else is here? Come on.”

Maru reluctantly rose from his perch and led the way to Taguchi’s bedroom, raising a finger to his lips to hush any questions or remarks in advance. Maru opened the door as quietly as possible, self-satisfaction clearly evident as he stepped aside for Junno.

Maybe Maru’s motions to be quiet had been needless; Junno’s jaw dropped as he took in the scene in his room. Koki seemed to have fallen asleep in his bed, though Junno couldn’t be certain; Koki was blindfolded with a scarf that had been laying on the dresser and it looked like his wrists had been tied together with his own wallet chain, the end looped through the headboard. Even though the blankets were in the way, Junno was pretty sure that Koki was already naked. Maru had saved him some trouble then; it was really quite thoughtful.

Junno glanced at Maru for a moment before silently crossing the room and gingerly pulling the sheets back, happily surprised that his assumption had been correct. Koki was asleep, giving Junno the perfect opportunity to try out a new way to wake him, without too much struggling and flailing away on Koki’s part. Junno stepped back from the bed long enough to shrug out of his shirt and step out of the pool of his jeans and underwear, uncaring of whether or not Maru was watching.

Carefully so as not to wake Koki too quickly, Junno lightly pushed at his shoulder to roll him onto his back; it just wouldn’t be as much fun for anyone if Koki stayed laying on his side. Junno clambered as stealthily as possible over Koki’s hips, straddling him as he lightly trailed fingers down Koki’s sides before increasing the pressure and adding his fingernails to the mix. Koki’s brow furrowed a tiny bit, an acceptable starting reaction. Next, he added pinching Koki’s nipples to his repertoire, starting lightly, but rapidly squeezing harder, tiny noises falling from Koki’s slightly parted lips. Junno kept alternating between scraping fingernails and pinching, finally rocking their hips together as Koki slowly returned to consciousness, gasping and moaning as he tried to pull his hands down as their erections rubbed together.

Voice rusty with sleep, Koki mumbled, brow definitely furrowed now, “What? Who’s sitting on me? Why are my hands stuck?” Though he was still muzzy with sleep, Koki began to actively thrust his hips. “Are the lights off?”

Junno couldn’t help but chuckle indulgently, running fingers through Koki’s sleep-mussed hair. “The lights are on, Koki. Don’t you feel the blindfold? Maybe Yuichi should bring you up to speed.” Junno snapped his fingers, smirking as he looked over his shoulder at Maru, just in time to see him dropping his trousers and throwing his shirt down.

Maru rolled his eyes, but still laughed a bit as he adjusted himself and climbed onto the bed, stretching out next to Koki, fingers trailing down the middle of his chest as he whispered into his ear. “Koki, don’t you remember telling me the other day that you wanted to hang out with Junno? So, here we are. You told me you were a little tired earlier, remember? So I told you that Junno wouldn’t mind if you used his bed, and here we are.”

“Yucchi, that still doesn’t explain why I’m stuck to the bed and unable to see anything.” Koki seemed more awake, pouting a little as he wiggled his arms around. “Did you... tie me up? And did you use my chain to do it?”

Junno sniggered a little from above Koki and Maru’s amused puffs of breaths licked at his ear. Maru continued his recounting of their afternoon. “Yes, Koki, you decided that you were going to nap in the nude, so once I was sure you were out, I nicked the chain and wrapped it around your wrists and through the headboard. Really, the way you sprawled out made it too easy. Then I saw that Junno had a scarf on his dresser, so I folded it up and very, very carefully blindfolded you with it. You must have been very tired, for me to be able to truss you up so neatly as a surprise for Junno.”

“Well, are either of you going to do anything or just talk?” Koki bucked up to press his point home. “Enough with the talking, I’ve got pressing issues that somebody needs to address.”

Junno laughed again, withdrawing all contact, scooting down Koki’s thighs. “I don’t think you’re really in a position to tell anyone what to do, Koki.” Maru pulled his hand away, joining in the laughter. “Maybe you’ll get a more favorable response if you ask nicely, beg for it, you know?”

“Fuck, Junno, please, just do something. Anything, touch me please, hands or mouth, soft or hard, I don’t care. Don’t tease me, please.” Koki swallowed thickly, struggling at his binds. The plain-spoken need in his voice stopped the others’ laughter; Junno was pretty sure his and Maru’s breaths hitched in unison, a song different from their usual.

Maru glanced to Junno for instruction; he nodded and watched as Maru’s lips attached to Koki’s pulse point, pulling a whimper from Koki as teeth gently worried the delicate skin. Joining once again, Junno ran his fingers into Koki’s hair, turning his head so that Maru could have better access. Before pulling his hand away, Junno couldn’t help but pull, just a little harshly, to see what kind of noise he’d get. Koki didn’t disappoint, a choked-off gasp spilling from his lips as Maru nibbled along his collarbones on his way further down Koki’s chest.

Koki writhed and moaned, attempting to rub himself against anyone, even if only for the slightest contact. Junno decided to finally show some mercy, barely running his fingertips along the underside of Koki’s cock, closing them loosely around the tip as Koki pushed up, trying his best to get some sort of friction. Too quickly, Junno withdrew his hand, but guided Maru to take his place as he got up to rummage through the bedside drawer for lube and condoms.

Necessities clutched in his fist, Junno re-focused on the scene before him. Maru had engulfed Koki’s cock, cheeks hollowed as he sucked hard, one arm pressing down across Koki’s hips to keep him from thrusting into his mouth. Koki was tossing his head back and forth, caterwauling much louder, and better, than any pornos he’d ever watched had been. Broken syllables peppered the moans, snatches of breaths that might have been Yucchi or Junno, fuck, please, more, supplication for release.

Junno leaned down to whisper in Maru’s ear, then threaded his free hand into his hair, holding Maru in place as he spoke. “Koki, come.” Junno could feel Maru’s deep hum as Koki exploded in his mouth, hips bucking as best they could. Once Koki stilled and fell limp, Junno pulled Maru up the length of his torso, urging him to share his mouthful as Koki tried futilely to struggle away from the pair. Unable to get away, he whined deep in the back of his throat as Maru returned his load from whence it came. Sternly, Junno spoke again. “Koki.”

Koki stilled, allowing Maru to kiss him, forcing him to accept the bitter fluid. Junno idly palmed himself while he watched the pair sloppily kiss as they rubbed against each other, all gasps and stilted breathing, Koki whimpering from what had to be heightened sensitivity. Nudging Maru out of his way, Junno spread Koki’s thighs wide open, settling in and rolling on a condom. He trailed a finger along the tender skin of Koki’s balls, smirking when Maru held Koki open as he tried futilely to squirm away.

Voice smooth and dangerous like ice, Junno leaned over Koki. “Koki, I know you’re going to enjoy the rest of the evening. Do you know how delighted I was to open my door and find you in my bed, sleeping like Goldilocks? Maybe next time we can do that, you’d look so delicious wrapped in ruffles and lace, just for me.”

Koki moaned weakly at the visions Junno described, Maru heatedly whispering a quiet oh fuck as he scrabbled for the lube and popped the cap, slicking Junno’s fingers. Really, he could get used to this; he was perfectly fine with having unannounced guests if they were there for the sole purpose of having sex with him. Junno circled Koki’s rim, slipping a finger in as he continued to utter filthy nothings. “Or maybe, Koki, I could just keep you here, cuffed by the ankle. They make such nice restraints these days, all soft and fur-lined. I’d love to have you here ready for my every whim, unable to even leave the bed without my permission. I know that deep down, you love the idea of it, you really would love to be kept as nothing more than a plaything.”

Junno smirked, his words reducing Koki to a writhing mess, three fingers deep as he worked him open. Maru had long since resorted to frantically stroking himself, leaving Koki all to Junno, a situation he didn’t mind at all. He continued to work his fingers in and out as Koki tried to push back, pulling them out when Koki had finally found a rhythm that worked for him. A disappointed groan rang out, Koki slumping as best he could in his bonds. “Oh, Koki, is there something you wanted? You know you need to speak up,” Junno couldn’t keep the mirth from his voice as he teased him.

“Oh, fuck, Junno, you know what I want, I want you to stop teasing me, I want you to fuck me, I want to touch you, see you, be used by you, anything.” Koki’s voice petered out to a thin whisper, chest heaving. “You too, Yucchi.”

Maru stilled, sucking in a surprised breath. He glanced to Junno, then shifted his attention to untangling the chain from Koki’s wrists, gently rubbing them once they were freed. “Koki, what do you want us to do? Do you think you can suck me like this while Junno fucks you? That’s really what I’d like, Koki.”

Junno gripped Koki’s thigh, hard, the both of them moaning at Maru’s words. “Go on then, Yuichi. You’ll be just fine, Koki, we’ll take good care of you.” Junno spread a handful of lube down his length, then slowly pressed into Koki’s tight heat, stilling when he was fully seated to allow Maru to get into position. “If it’s too much, I want you to squeeze Yuichi’s hand, and we’ll slow down.”

“Hurry up and fuck me, you two, I understand,” Koki growled out. “I’m not going to break.” Junno wished he could see Koki’s expression during his declaration, but he settled for watching how Koki’s hands clutched at Maru’s hips.

Junno complied, pulling out slowly and pressing back just as slowly, all the while wishing there was a way he could see what Maru was seeing. He’d have to settle for watching his shoulders hunch in surprise; a few more minutes and Junno had a surprisingly simple solution. “Yuichi, tell me what’s happening. Go on.”

Maru gasped, taking a deep breath before starting to speak. “Ah, I have my fingers threaded into Koki’s hair, to keep his head tilted back... He’s been sucking at the tip, and he keeps tonguing that spot on the underside... I really want to fuck his mouth, Junno, it’s so tempting...”

Junno snapped his hips harder, holding Koki wide open and aiming for the spot that had just made Koki gasp audibly and dig his nails into Maru’s hip. Brow furrowed, Junno was determined to pull another orgasm from Koki; he kept pushing in a steady pace. “Then why don’t you do it, Yuichi? I know that’s what you’d really like to do, have Koki on his knees in front of you as you face-fuck him, you know he’d be good at it and you know he wants you to do it too. I bet he wouldn’t even mind if you shot your load all over his face.”

Maru’s hips began to rock in earnest, his moans ringing out and muffling the noises Koki was making. “Koki... I’m about to come.” Junno slowed down and watched as Maru’s back stiffened, hips stilling. After what seemed like an eternity, he pulled away and weakly disentangled himself and rolled to the side, trembling from the exertion and the force of his orgasm. Maru threw an arm over his eyes, fingers of his free hand resting against Koki’s shoulder.

“Yuichi... I think you’ll need to clean up your mess.” Junno breathed the words quietly as he took in the portrait of debauchery Koki made, eyes still covered by the makeshift blindfold and face splattered with Maru’s release. He sucked in a breath as Maru followed his insinuations and leaned over Koki to begin licking him clean, like some kind of cat. Junno shook himself, then resumed his reckless pace, aiming for Koki’s prostate as he snuck a hand down to stroke him to a second orgasm.

Junno tugged faster as he felt Koki tighten around him, forcing him to push harder and harder. Finally, he pulled Koki over the edge again, muscles clenching around him as he wailed and spilled over Junno’s hand. Junno gritted his teeth, pushing through the resistance, pulse pounding as his own orgasm washed over him at long last, his hips stuttering to a halt as he slumped over Koki. He pulled out and staggered to the bathroom, disposing of the condom and returning with a warm washcloth. Gently, he wiped Koki’s face before running the cloth down his body before dropping it to the bedside table to be dealt with later.

Pulling the sheets back up, Junno slid in behind Koki and untied the blindfold. He pressed a kiss to the back of Koki’s neck, then flung an arm across him to grab for Maru. Quietly, before they all fell asleep, Junno whispered into Koki’s ear. “You know, I wasn’t joking about Goldilocks, or keeping you here for a while.” Junno smirked as he felt Koki stiffen in his arms; maybe sometime in the near future he’d get another surprise while he was out.

i made this up, kuntting around, rating:nc-17, fic, 11, ntt(tnt dynamite)

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