i learned about rainbows and unicorns today

Sep 24, 2011 23:29

Or something. Maybe this could be called, It Came From Twitter. For the record, I know very little about Arashi. Also, you can blame ryogrande and maayacola for the seed that became this jumble of words.

Matsumoto Jun/Akanishi Jin
R? there's kind of a handjob?
I'm pretty sure none of these things have ever happened, or ever will.

It had been a relatively peaceful morning in the jimusho, at least until Jin had run into Jun. Of course, not literally run into, but they had both crossed paths, unfortunately whilst wearing almost identical pairs of aviator sunglasses.

The traumatized bystanders wouldn’t be able to recall how the most horrifying (or hilarious, depending on who was answering the question) tantrum ever thrown by two grown men started. Even then, none of the shocked witnesses knew how the fight ended.

“Did you pick those rags up from a thrift store or something, Akanishi?,” Jun sneered. He couldn’t believe he and Jin had inadvertently committed one of the worst fashion faux pas imaginable by being accidental twinsies. It was one thing to vaguely match your bandmates, but they were paid to do that; matching for free was practically a cardinal sin, and only for those ancient old couples sometimes seen power walking in the mall and getting in the way of hip, young people.

Jin scoffed, not even bothering to dignify the weak barb with a reply. This was probably the worst mistake he could have made; as soon as he’d brushed Matsumoto off and walked down the hallway, he heard a rustle behind him and felt the thud of a heavy (and kind of pointy) boot hit him between the shoulder blades. Jin whipped around just in time for Jun to come flying at him, fists flailing and yanking at his hair.

The next few seconds seemed to pass the same way fights in old cartoons did, with lots of limbs flailing and incoherent shrieks. It could have passed for the Looney Tunes had there been a dust cloud. At any rate, juniors fled in terror as the suprisingly girly fight (for a couple of guys who’d portrayed high school delinquents in years past, anyway) progressed down the hallway. They were luckily only a few doors from Arashi’s dressing room, especially since by this time Jin had come to the embarrassing realization that he’d somehow managed to pop a boner in the middle of his bitch-fight with Jun. He hoped that Jun would stop pulling his hair and let go; at this point all Jin wanted to do was get to the nearest bathroom so he could will his erection away, though he wasn’t above rubbing one out if he had to, either.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t to be, for at the very moment Jin realized he was hard, somehow Jun had brushed against his hip with a hard-on to rival his own. Jun pulled away in horror, attempting to reach his dressing room door. With that scant bit of encouragement, Jin decided he would barge it, and snaked an arm around Jun’s shoulders to pull him in for a hard sloppy kiss.

For the first few seconds, Jun had resisted; when he broke away to catch his breath he gestured to the door behind him. “Come on, Jin, let’s not give the rabble a free show.”

Jin shrugged his shoulders, not passing up a chance for some action, especially the kind that he didn’t have to spend money on a date beforehand. “Alright.”

They both glanced up and down the corridors to make sure no one was watching them. It was going to be bad enough with the gossip that was undoubtedly being circulated the second they’d started tussling, without any mentions of makeouts. Satisfied that the coast was clear, Jun pulled Jin into the room while trying his best not to touch his manky hoodie too much. Once they were completely in the room, door securely locked, Jin pushed forward and turned, trapping Jun against the door as he leaned in for more bruising kisses. Jun was going to be damned if he let Akanishi run this show, so he stomped down with his remaining (still heavy) boot and shoved Jin towards the plush couch on the other side of the room. The backs of Jin’s knees hit the couch and he sat, pulling Jun onto his lap and going for his belt at the same time, showing a surprising ability to multitask. Jun ran his hands down Jin’s chest on his way to unbuckle and unzip his pants, even though he was pretty sure all he’d had to do before settling on the couch was to tug downwards to get Jin’s horribly shapeless pants to fall off of him. No use worrying about it now, Jun thought, finishing with Jin’s pants and shoving a hand inside his boxers as Jin returned the favor, upping the ante by pulling Jun’s cock out and stroking hard. Jun bit down on a gasp, determined not to let any unbecoming noises out. He pushed a hand against Jin’s mouth, allowing him to lick his palm before pulling his hand away and relocating it to take both of their dicks in hand and squeezing hard. “Take it easy, I’m not edible, Akanishi.”

Since Jun was preoccupied with stroking the both of them off, Jin decided he’d be helpful by tugging up his ridiculous designer shirt so he could rake nails down Jun’s back in an attempt to get him to go faster. Jin didn’t bother trying to get Jun to raise his arms, since that would be too much of an interruption for his enjoyment. A few strategically placed love-bites later, Jun choked out, “I’m about to come, and you will too, Akanishi. Come on.”

Jin wasn’t about to try and hold out any longer; he was kind of ready to cut and run by this point. His orgasm burst over Jun’s hand and mingled with Jun’s release, somehow mostly managing to decorate his hoodie. As soon as they were finished, Jun wiped his hand down Jin’s awful hobo hoodie as he got up to flounce away to the showers. “Akanishi, I want you out of here by the time I’m through. And don’t wear those sunglasses again, either.”

Jin called after him, “You’re the one who shouldn’t be jocking my fresh! I had these glasses first, and for the record, I’m way better at doing the robot than you are!”

Jun rolled his eyes, not bothering to answer. How did dancing even come up, anyway? He left Jin to his own devices and left the room.

rating:r, rainbows and unicorns and shit, i made this up, kuntting around, fic, 11

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