Here's one picture then in the link there are 11 more and..... a story about this guy who hit on me at work that I felt so bad for. He looked like he was devistated that I was taken haha. Aw.
The bar that we eat at. Tiles are just going in. They're glued and today (now thursday), are then getting the grout done.
A preview of our kitchen, stove is pulled out just so that we can finish the tiling behind it. Just incase we ever change stoves (which jim and I prolly will buy a new one, its the only used appliance in our house). But still its the flat top kind, and that's pimp as it is.
A close up of the tiling job I + kathy + dave did. Still needs grout. I like it... a lot. Looks expensive. Yeah the plastic spacers look funny.
Just got that dishwasher in yesterday! (318 bucks, with discount, normally 400) Got that from best buy ;) It finishes up pretty much most of what we had left to do in the kitchen.
Sink/tiling. good picture of all that. I love the little bricks on the bottom. So many awesome choices you get to make... I love getting to choose everything I want because they don't want to listen to Jim haha.
Just got in the shower doors as well. they're real expensive :/ but they got em anyway, yay! They're going to be a bitch to keep clean haha. But they look great. Fuck shower curtains I said.
Yet another view.
Part that isnt finished in BR. I think we're getting.. doors? I could be wrong. Could be finished. I forgot what they said they were doing.
It's a little cramped there.
Crazy thing that heats the bathroom ...
650 dollar microwave! touch screen LCD! Needs to be wiped down and have the protective covers removed. I hate those.
2,000 dollars well spent on this godly refrigerator! Ice in the door saves room in the freezer. And we all know Jim likes his frozen foods. I dont think we even NEED an oven :p
x4N71554x: aw man
x4N71554x: some guy at the front door, after I got off work
x4N71554x: at best buy
x4N71554x: was asking me about my tattoos
x4N71554x: and I was like...... BAH cause I wanted to get out of there
x4N71554x: and I didnt know if he was like done talking to me or whatever
Scotty D: lol
x4N71554x: and people were holding me up
x4N71554x: and so they put a dhiswasher or frig in the back of his truck
x4N71554x: as I was walking outside
x4N71554x: and the other guy with him was like, you off ?
x4N71554x: im like.. yep
x4N71554x: and I kept walking to my car
x4N71554x: so here i am
x4N71554x: walking to my car, I get there I call jim tell him im off.
x4N71554x: I see this guy pulling up to me
x4N71554x: im like fuck.
Scotty D: lol
x4N71554x: He's like before I go hitting on you, I figured i'd ask if you had a boyfriend..
x4N71554x: and I was like.. yeah... I do, sorry
x4N71554x: and hes like.. ah damn....
x4N71554x: well tell him that I said you're a really cool chick (like he'd know)
x4N71554x: and that he's lucky.
x4N71554x: and then he's like well..
x4N71554x: uh damnit im going to get outta here
x4N71554x: and left
Scotty D: odd
Scotty D: you always have the oddest stories about guys hitting on you
x4N71554x: i felt like i crushed his little heart
:( Poor guy! Why do I feel bad for him? He was a really nice guy.
I think jim and I are buying a 36 inch TV. It's not all that big, but it's a decent size.
Oh and apparently I was bitching at jim in my sleep. I was asking him if he saw the new memory card, and he was like, what? And I apparently tried explaining while asleep and he didn't understand so I was like UGH! Never mind, just nevermind.
hahahha I remember getting angry at him for something. Then I thought he was will and he went to wake me up again and I told him I would "check later" I was referring to my schedule. haha. wtf.