SAshley46: You didnt even flinch... it was crazy (ty scott)

Jul 17, 2005 23:48

K so I got my lip pierced (labret) 50 $ for the piercing, 8 for some vomit worthy mouthwash.
It hurt. I don't care what anyone says. Maybe a 3 out of 10, 10 being the worst. mm... yeah. Went some places.

Work tomorrow at 10 -_- And with one new tattoo, one touched up tattoo, and my labret pierced in a world of pain. Not to mention JAKE almost breaking my toes with his elbow ;_; heh.

Here are some shitty pics from what should have been on the last post (tattoos) and some from today (lip done)

I almost vomited. From not eating.

Scott said.. I didnt even flinch when the needle went through, or blink, or.. anything. =3.

Jake brought me ice cream, which made me/and my lip feel uber better. =3 <3


The end.

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