Well, all in all I am glad to be home.
Metrocon was fun. I didn't really like the overall feel of the Tampa Convention Center but the room to move around in was nice; the parking sucked if you didn't get there early enough. Met a few Gaians and bought me an OMG & AFK; finished up my 3 1/2" Inu figure collection and only need Sesshoumaru from the 5" & the action figures. Got addicted to SF: Puzzle Fighter (just bought it off ebay - wonders why I am broke :P) got three random hugs; was actually recognized by one of the con regs and probably scarred a child for life (um, that's excluding my two)...oh an got an Inu/Sess yaoi pic...oops, and human Inu plushie. Okay, I think that is everything. Nope, I forgot, I got to see a video of Gackt in concert singing Vanilla - D-A-M-N!, the guitarist be lucky ~.^
There was a nice diversity of anime/gaming/J-rock in the costumes and there wasn't one dominant one although Naruto & FMA did their best. There were really some fantastic costumes - the Gundam (should have won in the costume contest); the Dragoon lady (her wings are so cool); Princess Garnet being escorted by Steiner (her father) & Beatrice; Han Solo looking very much like he did in Star Wars (I defintely want a lightsaber); and the Inuyasha family, both sides of Sango, chibi Miroku & Kirara so rocked! I have to say, as an old person, it truly amazes me how much effort & detail you guys can put into a costume.
As always, Biff was the social butterfly (what's new) and S-H-O-C-K Frank actually ran into people he knew and hung out with some of them...HA! Now he can't tell me how boring that was. BOO-YAH BABY!
Here's a qt - Exactly how long have cons been going on. I don't really remember them when I was little (back in the Dark Ages :P) but then I didn't move in those circles either. If any one knows or knows where to look, I would be interested.