(no subject)

Jun 07, 2010 23:33

Here I go again. Breaking my own LJ ban. But at least with something interesting (I hope).

I had to think of a video project on a crappy subject which was "A letter". It took me monthes to come up with anything. I knew I wanted to deal with something personal, like, what had happened between me and my "friends" four years ago, during the war.Or how they abondoned me in the worst time in my life and helped to make me the social inapt person I am today. No hard feelings.
Anyway after ALOT of thought about it, and no good ideas I had a thought of filming a performance piece in which i wear black clothes, to which strings are attached.
They were silky strings, not scary bulk ones, but gentle ones. I handed out flyers in which I asked people "do you want to be my fried?" and asked them to tie themselves to me for a while. I also made my face completly white, and wore a blue wig.  I did this in a very populated, popular and busy street in Jerusalem with ALL kinds of people.
It was somewhat political, and very personal. I tried to hid behind the makeup, and the act, but I was completly exposed to strangers.
My friend who filmed me, thought no one would agree to do it.
They did. About 7 of them did. Most of them thought it would be creepy and wrong to be tied to me (even though the strings were long, so no one had to actually touch me). They were asked to stay as long as possible but they were free to go whenever they wanted to.
Many people didn't understand what was written in the flyer, and thought it was wrong, but many more didn't.
Most of them were interested because my quirky appearance obviosly did.

Some people, were very sweet. One guy (which you can't see in my video, sadly, but i will never forget it, cause it was sweet.) took my hand, held it and kissed it. Yes, a bit creepy, lets face it, but sweet nonetheless.
A very sweet canadian guy tried getting to know me. I hope I was sweet back.
There were girls too, and two teenagers, you would catagorize in the "freaks" department if you believe in these things, were the first to join me and they REALLLY tried to get other people to do it too.

It was more bizarre for me than to strangers. I tried to smile as long as possible. I had to be completly honest with complete strangers, and it was so very hard to do. More than to draw attention, sharing and opening up to people who often said "so what?" was overwhelming to a point.
But I did it, it was an interesting experiment I would like to do again.


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