Bones: Show Vs. Books.

Apr 21, 2010 20:12

Yes, this is another Bones entery. Sorry about it, only not really.

So you know how in my last entery I cried on how Bones is so unreal to me. How I can't believe it's true, but I want it so badly to be.  There's a reason for it. Well, other than the obvious that it is fiction and I am a depressed girl who needs to grow up and take charge of her life etc.

It's obvious that Kathy Reichs' books are different from the show. In the books there is Temperence Brennan, a forensic anthropologist who works in Montreal and in Charlotte. She teaches, and works as a consultant. She is 40+ (at least in the last books, which I'm reading now because I'm reading it from the end to the start) with a grown child. She is divorced. She had a relationship with one detective Ryan Andrew, and obviosly even though he left her to be with the mother of his drug addicted daughter, she has pretty strong feelings for him.
She does go to crime scenes and she is a tough woman, but the thing is, that Temperance Brennan in the books is human.
She screws up, she has problems with the men in her life, with her daughter, drinking problems, problems with her temper but she is also brilliant, and one of a kind and the crime solving things takes time. If she needs to have special procedures sometimes, and it's not always easy to get because not everything is at the same place and time. It's almost (and I mean, almost) like it is in the real world. Like the temperence brennan of the show is trying to make it when she talks about the books on the show.

As apposed to her, the Tempe Brennan of the show is a hero. She is stunningly gorgeous, she is independent, strong, extremely smart, confident. As apose to the Tempe from the book, she doesn't have or had a relationship with a detective Ryan, but she has a Booth. And as apposed to Ryan, he is always there for her. He doesn't run off on her. Temperence Brennan is a person of extremes, because although there are all these great things about her, she is socially awkward, people think she is cold, because she is scared of her own emotions. She has a problem with her emotions, but that doesn't STOP HER FROM HAVING AWESOME FRIENDS AND PEOPLE LOVING HER REGARDLESS OF WHAT SHE DOES. Because for a person with so much emotional problems, it doesn't seem to affect her ability to have such strong friendships (although, when you have issues with abandonment, you or at least I, have issues regarding friendships.. )

Overlooking everything else that can never be realistic about the show, Temperence Brennan is the example of a nearly perfect tv character. Boys want to be her, girls want to do her.

And that? That is just fucking depressing. It's like looking in a magazine and saying about a model "I want to look like her! I'm not going to eat anymore" when you don't realize that she is photoshopped like hell and probably weighs much more than she looks (or even if you do know it has been through photoshop, you don't realize how much so).

I am aware of the entertainment factor of a television show. You don't actually want to see real life on tv. Even reality tv shows are not anything like real life, and they shouldn't be. 
So if people say the books are better than she show, this is the reason. The books are believable, and don't hurt your ego nearly as much.


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