The weekest best TV quote meme.

Apr 14, 2010 22:44

Because almost all of the shows I'm currently following (apart from a few british ones) were back and on this week, and most of them were awesome I decided to make a quote-meme post of it.
Now I'm aware that the most important  Bones isn't on untill tomorrow, but I'm sure there will be a whole other squee fest on it anyway.

So I took my favorite quote from each show this week of the following: American Idol, glee, castle, house, over the rainbow, and doctor who.

Best moment of the show, true fact.

To be honest, it was hard to choose a line from this episode. Nothing was THAT great.

John Barrowman fan, meet the JB wannabe. JB wannabe, you will never be John Barrowman. You will never achieve his awesomeness so you can stop trying. However, you can keep saying things that would totally sound gay when you don't mean to, it's hot.

I couldve watched their truth and dare game the entire episode and not be bored for a second.

Not a very good episode. That particular moment was cute.


glee, over the rainbow, house, castle, american idol, doctor who

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