If you watch American Idol, and want to play the guessing game with me, or you don't watch it but curious who's not ever going to replace Adam Lambert, I've took the liberty of putting a list together of who I think will make the top 12, based on their performances, based on the popularity of them in
ontd_ai , and considering one or two that I like (although sadly I had to leave out at least 2 I really loved cause they sucked in the live shows. :( )
There is going to be a video explaining with eevery person's best performance.
Top 6 Boys
He is cute. He is shy. He has "no experience", which makes him look better than the others cause he can put it in their faces. He has a good name. He improved a bit. And the girls at
ontd_ai love him. I think he was my favorite in the last show.
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Again, she's pretty good. She does her own thing, and she isn't as annoying as some of the others. But I find it impossible to really connect with her and love her.
I couldn't find a better virsion to this, sorry.
I don't exactly see what the judges see here either. But his last performance was among the better ones last episode. So I guess he can do it.
I hate him. I absolutly hate him. I think he is crap. His body is not proportional to his face. His smile is fucking weird. And he scares me. I don't think he is a good singer either.
But the girls in
ontd_ai are obsessed with his body him as well. Meh.
This is why he sucks. Sorry, couldn't find the more recent performance that was less bad.
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Kara's babyboy. Well, they would like to let us think this. Personally, I don't find him hot either, or that special. But meh, the whole Kara thing and the fact that he hasn't messed up anything will let him enter the top 12.
This was his better performance.
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Personally I don't really get the judges love for him either. HOWEVER, his performance last show was amongst the better. So he'll prolly make it.
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Again, not among my favorite. I dont dig the whole modest little boy david archuleta type. But you know, girls being girls, etc. Meh, he has a chance.
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My personal favorite since the auditions. Unfortunately, he didn't do well on the last shows so I am praying that he'd bring a brilliant performance like he did in the auditions.
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Top 6 girls.
AAAH! I LOVE HER! SHE IS AMAZING. I WANT HER TO WIN THIS SEASON. Her last performance was the best one in the live shows so far.
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She's original, and she does her own thing. She's also not as annoying as some of the others, but never the less, although she'll get far (prolly top 6), I can't seem to connect to her and really love her.
I couldn't find a better video for this, sorry.
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I don't like her either. I think hippies are outdated and I don't like her attitude either. She greatly annoys me. But the judges and people like her because she isn't as bad as the rest of em.
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As Kara said, she can sing. She won't get past 7th place probably, but she is harmless and not very bad.
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Although her Israeli name, I don't like her either. LOL She talks like a baby in a cutsie voice and that drives me mad. WE ARE NOT BABIES, YO. Talk like a grown up!
Unfortunately, there are people who find that endearing. Not yours trully though.
This was her best performance, that I actually liked, from the auditions. She didn't top it though.
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Im totally not sure she will make it. Although her voice is the best, as Simon thinks, but she has no star quality. So IDK.
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I hope this helped anyone catch up with this season...