Graphic fic: Captain Jack Harkness, the "children" story.

Mar 09, 2009 20:20

Title: Captain Jack Harkness: The "children Story".
Fandom: Torchwood/ Doctor Who
Characters: Jack and the people around him.
Rating: R
Summery: Jack and his loved ones.
Disclaimer: Nothing is mine, apart from Jack. Err, I mean photoshop.
Notes: It's short but totally worth it. Comments are love.
Warnings: It's not REALLY for children, you see.

People on my flist who don't know what I'm talking about, but still like my drawings, and especially my comics, you should come in too. It is pretty. (And different than what I usually do).

david tennant is a sexy god, jack/ten, comics, when did i start fangirling jack so much, graphic fiction, doctor who

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