Too busy to log on LJ much lest post here but I wanna get this one in because the last time I posted was on October 1st and now it's November 1st. >_<
Anyway, after two months of having fun and hanging out with friends I finally received and accepted a job offer that I am satisfied with. Up until this week my future is unsure because I have been very picky with finding the right type of work. Through it all, I was also questioning the intelligence of rejecting the interviews from other places. I suppose it all worked out for the best. I am so excited to move out April or May 2011. I've paid my deposit already so there is no backing out of it.
This past weekend was Halloween as you all well know. I spent most of my Friday and Sunday at
Oniwitch's place. (Saturday, I had to take took my dog the groomer's.)
This was from Friday night. We mostly chatted and sat around in the apartment.
Full body of my outfit. It was really dark so the pic is grainy at best.
There are actually more pics of us but it's too embarrassing to post here. lmao!
The Asian cuisine feast that we cooked on actual Halloween night. Edamame peas, curry, shrimp, chicken, salad etc.
We were in maid outfits preparing food for a good three hours.
There has to be something funny about that. xD