Title: The Puppet Master - Masterlist
Pairing: Takaki Yuya X Inoo Kei X Yabu Kota
Rating: NC-17
Genre: romance, angst, yaoi,
Disclaimer: I hope I could claim them
Author’s Notes: This fic is for
tegoshikidoSummary: How does it feel to live with nothing to think about? Literally, nothing, for you have nothing to know. You don't know anything except that you're alive. How does it feel to be controlled for your whole life? How is it to live like Kei?
WARNING: if you're not my friend, I would like to tell you that every new update will be f-locked after 48 hours.
Prologue //
Chapter 1 //
Chapter 2 //
Chapter 3 //
Chapter 4 //
Chapter 5 //
Chapter 6 //
Chapter 7 //
Chapter 8 //
Chapter 9 //
Chapter 10 //