Aug 30, 2009 12:37
If you are on the Syfy Channel's mailing list - DO NOT OPEN/CLICK ON TODAY'S NEWSLETTER.
For myself I'm in a "enter username/password" loop and cannot get it to go away so I can access ANY of my mail. It may be too late to help, and it likely depends on people's email programs but . . . in Mail, I CAN'T stop the program from "opening" the email. (And yes, I naturally tried all my logins I could think of.) If Syfy's fix is a resend, I have no idea how I'll fix the problem so I can access my email :D
Thanks for ruining my life morning, Syfy. XP
For anyone who finds this post who has not found a way to get RID of the ruddy thing, here is the solution for Mac OS X Mail users:
In Mail, go to:
File -- New Viewer Window
In the new viewer, double-click the separator (bar with dot on it) between the list of emails, and the preview of the message below. With the preview gone, you can safely select the Members email and delete it. If you don't have anything else in your Mail trash folder, go ahead and get rid of it for good:
Mailbox -- Erase deleted messages -- In all accounts
(or hit Apple+K)
GOOD RIDDANCE. Thank you also,, for not replying to my message asking for assistance after your message left me with a window I couldn't close even if I restarted.