gaming . . . sort of.

Jun 03, 2009 20:00

Augh I'm feeling really awful today so I thought, okay, I'll play some FFIII. I had trouble in Castle Hein a while back so I had restarted before that to level up w/ a different class (after Dwarven Hollows). Except now, I can't get thrown into the dungeon, even though it's supposed to happen right when I walk into Tokkul. What's a group of weirdly-dressed, heavily armed people gotta do to get arrested around here? D: (Seriously, I don't know what to do, wtf. T_T So much for THAT idea.)

Soooo . . . has anyone been poking about E3 stuff? I guess it's weird that I have since I'm hardly a gamer. But I'm looking forward to Fragile and Shiren the Wanderer 3 (Wii) and if I had a PS3, I loved WipEout* back in the day and would love to play in sexy HD; and really want to play The Last Guardian . . . (Maybe I'll have one by the time it comes out :P) And Pop Island for DS looks fun (as a big Mario Kart DS fan). I'm also pretty amused that World Destruction is getting a US release (even if Morte sounds funny). The anime for it was fun x_x

*Did you know WipEout was in Hackers? lol. XL (the second game) also has a bunch of Red Bull billboards in it. Before anyone knew wtf Red Bull was.

Speaking of video games . . . (embedded)


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