. . . what was I going to say? Oh yeah. Assuming I can stay awake long enough to do the code, this is my D*C trip photo post. I'm almost done with my report except I can't remember what happened which evening. >_>;
World of Coke trip photos are on Flickr here;
Dragon*Con photos are here.
I want to marry the inside of the Marriott
You have
No idea how much.
My angle on the parade was, at least, a different perspective from ordinary. (Two people have found themselves and seem happy about it, at least.)
I love how conventions occupy their own reality
Even when it's been discarded
A reality that's a fantasy become so compelling it's burned into people's skin
And when you leave it, you're caught between not wanting to give it up, and wanting to embrace your own reality that much harder; because suddenly it seems much more beautiful and strange
My camera, incidentally, is getting progressively more insane. Or I've been screwing up with manual more and more. Either way I did my best. :(