lavender jumpsuits: only in the 80s.

Apr 04, 2008 01:08

|+| Finally finished the part-time job thing last night, fun times researching corporate foundations.

|+| So not just my liver enzyme results are off. So were my copper levels. Gastroenterologist is concerned and is recommending I get a liver biopsy. At least one of my doctors is nagged at like I am that something is "off". :|

|+| Seeing as I just found out I have a Polysics cover of this song and had never seen the original video: Original "Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto" music video, which is thrashed by the Polysics version which is HIGHLY AWESOME and now one of my favorite music videos ever.

|+| I thought about making a cosplay-related post but decided not to. There are some things that have been bothering me . . . but I think the real issue has to do with feeling like crap physically. It does still bug me a bit that I'm coming up on my sixth anniversary. Cosplay was the place I felt like I most belonged, and I guess I'm sad that I lost that feeling.

|+| I think like . . . no one watches much TV. lol. But I sort of want to give a shout-out to Eli Stone, because I think it's a good show. It's sort of a Quantum Leap thing, where they're walking a line with being entertainment but also have a conscience - which is something that I respect, even (or maybe more so) with the danger of tripping over that line and getting "preachy" (there were definitely eps of Quantum Leap that were just painful to watch). So far Eli Stone has been dodging that bullet - maybe because the courtroom format parlays "preaching" into "closing arguments", or maybe just because it's well done. It's a sweet, sensitive little show that nevertheless isn't whitewashed, throws enough quirk in there to keep you on your toes, and it's nice to know there's a place for that. I've been watching New Amsterdam also but though it's not a bad show, I'm not clicking with it that much either - versus really looking forward to Eli Stone. Might be because it weirdly makes me think of Dresden Files which I still dearly miss. Meanwhile my quite-loved Reaper is "on the bubble" and I hope it makes the cut for next season (Chuck has already made it) . . .

eli stone, 80s, tv, awesome, music video, robot

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