Saturday of random.

Mar 24, 2007 17:56

Had a productive couple of days with systema, also not entirely without some fun breaks (including Wii). I'll be updating cosplaysaga later this evening with photos of both of our stuff; if you friended it, I have now added you back, so you'll also be able to see my first post there.

Last week I tried to order the Mix Speaker's, Inc. box. Yes, I am an idiot, and should not have put off ordering a limited item that had to have had a pretty small production run if it was important to me. >< Yes, I know that I can get the regular edition and still support seek and AYA, but considering it's only two tracks, I'd like the random extras, hahah. It was sold out everywhere I could think of. But I'm very stubborn, and managed to find it on Tower Japan's website. I've never heard of anyone ordering from there, but aside from some minor hiccups in the registration (now I know how to say "don't put spaces in the credit card number" in kanji), with the help of their English ordering guide I placed my order. Alas, today I got a notice which I can't fully translate, but which seems to say they don' t have it. It doesn't say "sold out" (that kanji I already know, rofl); instead they say they're looking for it? I'm not sure whether there's any chance they'll somehow find a copy, though. :( Well, I guess I'll see, and hope I can figure out their email when they contact me again.

BTW, if you are curious - Tower Japan has been separate from Tower Records (US) since like 2002. The company is still alive and well (?) there, and there are also a few other countries whose franchises were separated from the main corporation.

Apparently the Peace Now cardigan I bought is now officially lost in the mail. It still hasn't shown up. I had to open a PayPal dispute, but I told the seller that it was really a formality. I don't think she's a scammer - I think somewhere between Germany and here, something happened. I'm not sure how we're going to find it. She says she'll go to her post office and initiate some kind of thing where they try to track down a lost package. It's unfortunate that from some countries, your options are uninsured airmail or EMS, which is very expensive.

Since madlovescience can't do Caturday, I feel I need to post random entertainment. I don't really have many photos of cats, and most of them are from her posts to begin with. But I raided my "random things I have for no clear reason" folder (yes, it's really called that) and here's what I came up with.

I don't normally post things without credit, but a few do have watermarks at least and the rest . . . well, this is the internet. Things get passed around, and heck if I can remember where they came from.

Well, it's cat RELATED.

While we're on the subject of disturbing costume crossover . . . XD

And while we're on Ronald . . .

Speaking of jrockers . . .

Let's go back to cats.

I saw this on some random LJ entry ages ago . . . I'm not sure why I saved it.

I respond to it with this.

And to wrap up we'll have some more cute, even though they're not cats.

Also, have some random links!
awesome sea slug, from systema

original art for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles issue 1 on eBay

DJ BoBo - Vampires are Alive: dancing vampires . . . why, Europop, why?

Lordi - Hard Rock HallelujiahI can't remember if I shared this one or not, from strawberrygoth. But you'll need it to purge the above.

cats, hard rock, mix speaker's, lordi, vampires, random

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