Screwed over by the French

Apr 14, 2010 21:22

So not liking Parisians right now.

Not sure if any of you know this or not, but I'm a musician and play French horn. No, the name has nothing to do with the nationality that came up with the instrument. (It's German, by the way.)

I've been working really hard for the last two months or so to get myself a new horn, and the one that I'd been pursuing recently passed from the hands of the owner to the hands of the shop in Paris where it was being repaired before sale. Negotiations about payment passed as well. The previous owner had been willing to work out a payment plan with me, the shop is not. In short, I got screwed.

Like I said, not liking the French. Royal gits, the lot of them. And stingy, too.

It's kind of like losing a child, at least to a musician. We love our instruments as though they're our own babies, and really they are after a fashion. Very expensive, sometimes they fall down and go boom, and they make strange noises on occasion.

Life is not pleasant at the moment, but I got myself a new iPod today, and it's kinda cool. Gonna give the old one to my mom, who'll be pleased. She's had to deal with a tiny little mp3 player that's impossible to navigate and doesn't remember song-place. She's wanted something better for a while now.

I still want to get a job to save up to buy another instrument, just because it needs to be done. I also desperately need something to do this summer. Fuck you, economy. I will succeed!

music, life, rant

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