(no subject)

Jan 07, 2010 15:35

You guys remember that cold I'd said I had? Well, it moved out of my head and into my chest and has stolen my voice from me. Hurrah for hand-signals and body-language! I've been sleeping with the assistance of codine which has come to my rescue at the moment. Knocks me right out at night. The Sudafed keeps me awake during the day, now, though. Yippee... I'm such a druggie.

It's really grey and rainy outside. Not raining right now, but since I just wrote that, that means it will. It makes me really tired! I just wanna curl up in my bed and sleep in all the time. Too bad all of my classes begin at 8 or 9 in the morning. Urghh...

sick, sleep, rain

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