battlestar galactica

Apr 30, 2008 00:24

i just started watching battlestar galactica. boy howdy, where have you been all my life? ive been hearing for awhile that it's the best show on television (we've got a subscription to wired magazine and the staff seem to be huge fans) and friends keep recommending it but it was one of those shows where i kept being like, eh, i'll get around to it. the clencher was that i heard that it's pretty similar in mood to mass effect, and it really is, though the two are pretty distinctly different- but it's the same metaphor, the same feeling to both pieces of work. i do love me a good space opera (speaking of space operas- have also been playing knights of the old republic in bits and pieces. what? it was only 10 bucks at gamestop)

have only had time to watch a bit of the miniseries (which precedes the actual tv series) so far but anyone else a fan?
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