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Apr 09, 2008 22:28

my RIDICULOUSLY LARGE 24in imac came today. it's ridiculous! completely and utterly ridiculous! in other words, v. v. large, shiny, and lovely. am still getting used to the v. slender keyboard, which is still strange for me despite having freakishly small hands (so it's not too small for me) and using a powerbook laptop for years.
i installed a new harddrive to my powerbook and it's back in business! my old harddrive, sadly, remains unsalvageable.
the good news: while cleaning up my room today i found an old, missing art backup disc, so i've got high res versions of at least my older personal art and fanart again. while it's not everything it's better than nothing! i actually did a dance around the room when i found it along with my 2nd photo backup disc. am still bummed to be missing the first half of my photos (the first photo backup disc was badly scratched), but what's a girl to do? at least now i have my photos of my little town in japan and at least half of all those crazy times in tokyo back again. in any case, i encourage anyone reading this right now to make a backup (if you haven't done so recently) of everything on your computer that's most important to you- writing, art, photos, anything. and make a backup of that backup. seriously! you never know if a burned dvd is going to get scratched or that external harddrive you copied everything to is going to die (both happened to me in this case).

ps am still madly obsessed with mass effect despite having no time to play it, what with all the computering and other stuff going on lately. it's basically star wars + firefly + STARRING YOU, YES YOU
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