rip powerbook :(

Mar 29, 2008 22:32

my powerbook DIED you guys. it's barely two years old. warranty was out in dec (i'd had an extra year due to the credit card i used- some kinda deal back then). will see if i can salvage the files bc i need to try to boot it as a firewire device and connect it to another apple, and everything else in my house is a PC so i'll have to wait until i get into the office monday and get to my mac there. if i can't get the boot as firewire and move the files off method to work i'll just bring it to an apple store and cry. if unable to salvage i'll be very, very upset. at the very least i have backups of most of my photography but a good chunk would be gone forever, possibly along with all of my digital artwork- i swore i made backups but i can't find the discs.
will be out of commission for at least two weeks while i try to sort it out / figure out what to do :( couldn't have come at a worse time as i won't even have lo-res versions of a lot of my stuff- i just moved to a new webhost and had planned to reupload my website this weekend and lo and behold my powerbook dies this morning.....
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