
Mar 13, 2008 00:32

JEBUS SO BUSY. work has been a'splodin all over the place lately

meanwhile, short bites of things that have been ringing my bell:
-lost odyssey: QUITE LITERALLY final fantasy and shadow hearts got together and had a baby and this is the baby, complete with a whole NOVEL that you read in bits and pieces at a time, written by award-winning novelist kiyoshi shigematsu and translated by jay rubin, who's done a number of pretty excellent murakami translations over the years. i say quite literally because, well, the staff looks to be cobbled together from squeenix defactors (you know, sakaguchi- the father of ff- and composer nobuo uematsu, to point out the most notable ones) as well as a bunch of the shadow hearts staff (I MISS THAT SERIES THIS HELPS FILL THE VOOOID). i'm kind of surprised by how much i really love this game. it took a little time to grow on me but once i fell i fell a bit hard! more later on the specifics as well as some critiques, like how terrible the translation of the game outside of the novel portions is (clearly there's a different translator for the game as opposed to the "1000 years of dreams" novel portions- they must have blown the localization budget getting jay rubin ;p) and a detailed run-down of why i like it so very much.
-march comes in like a lion: I AM KIND OF SURPRISED BY HOW GREAT THIS IS. umino chika pretty much painted herself into a corner with honey and clover and emergency exited out of that series (though i do think she handled that emergency exit reasonably well) and i was expecting not to like this one at all, having picked up the issue of young animal that the first chapter ran in and finding it a bit dull. i spotted volume 1 at kinokuniya this weekend and decided to give it another try and it's actually very good, though i suspect i'd like it more if i actually knew anything about playing go. still though- surprised at how lovely and umino-trademark touching it is. i was reading it on the train-ride home and cried. TWICE. TWICE.
-inazuma 11: finally got around to playing the demo for this crazy soccer RPG that level 5 is making because there's a lengthy demo included with professor layton and the devil's box. WAT IT IS SO AWESOME I DONT EVEN LIKE SOCCER BUT I MUST HAVE THIS GAME. it's like every single greatest sports manga ever and the soccer match portions are just a sheer joy to play- you control where players move simultaneously by drawing lines with the ds stylus and when your team's characters come in contact with the opposing team's players, you can chose to do FULLY RIDICULOUS special moves (using up skill points of course) or standard soccer moves like feinting, tackling, etc. i dunno just look at it:

image Click to view

even this video can't convey how fun it actually is T_____T i'm gonna preorder this sucker whenever the release date gets announced. AND LET ME REITERATE: I DON'T LIKE SPORTS XDDDDD

GAH need to sleep. daylight savings has totally fucked me up.
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