Oct 20, 2007 23:58
why is it that with every PSP game i buy i have to update the firmware?
more irritatingly, my psp always runs out of battery because, well, i don't have very many games for it (or, more appropriately: there's very little on the PSP that isn't total shit; why did i get this thing at launch?!) and a short attention span, so i often don't touch it for months (or years, even)- so when i DO pick up a new game for it, i have to completely recharge the battery. this is irritating in that even though the psp is plugged into a power outlet and running off AC power, the psp itself won't allow me to update the firmware because "battery is low" which means i'll be all ready to go, having quietly set aside a little block of time to start playing my new game, and, uh, that won't quite work out.
updating the firmware means i also have to sacrifice whatever emulator i may be running at the moment; goodbye SNES games!
i can't even imagine nintendo pulling any of this shit with the ds. i also wish that developers would stop using the PSP just to continually bring us ports (..in fact, pretty much every game i've bought for the psp is a port). i don't have enough free time to replay old games that you didn't bother fixing bugs or issues with...
fuck you, sony, i'm going to bed! my shiny new copy of final fantasy tactics (also a port, but i never played the original so i guess it's ok) will have to wait for the morning, but i'm definitely not happy about it. >(