Title: Imagination Hiatus
Pairing: OnKey
Rating: G
Genre: Crack-ish fluff.
Summary: Four drabbles that don't really have any connection with each other. Yeah I know my summary sucks
The utterly tacky cover with the photo of the muscled blonde man with the raven-haired princess smiled up mockingly at him. )
Thanks ~
Thanks for reading though :)
Losing faith in them? :|
Please, write more, will you? I need a remedy for my faith in them. :/
It's depressing; I don't mean to depress you further, but I've noticed it too.
I will try. It's hard to write nowadays because my inspiration itself is going away, OnKey is hard to come by these days, but I will try.
Sorry, didn't mean to go all emo. ;( But don't give up bb.
*gives you internet hug*
Thanks for the hug, bb ^^ I'll be waiting for your fanfics, don't let the sea of jongkey stop you.
I don't want to sound too cynical about Kibum, because I do love his diva attitude and all, but sometimes he just depresses me. Maybe it's cliche, but I kind of miss the whole Appa-Umma interaction. It's too rare nowadays, and it doesn't even have any connection to the group positioning, with OnKey separated by three people.
I think, at best, we can only hope to see some more interaction between them.
I enjoyed having this conversation lol. Thank you namae :D
lol that was a weird conversation, thanks and sorry for wasting your time.
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