Title: Eight Years Pairing: OnKey, with random 2min Rating: NC-17 Genre: Crack Summary: Lee Jinki's life multiplied by eight. Notes: Dedicated to my lovelies, eter_loves_yaoi and rikli. Finally made your smut ;p
I love you! it's the greatest! it's great that you made jinki's character like the real one and kibum's also... omg, I can't write a proper comment right now, I'm mind-blown o_o
LOL bb <3 I love you too LOL I had to rush that ending so much (couldn't just leave Minho out~) and I was just posting it at around 2am when my mom turned up behind me >___________> Good thing she didn't read a thing and I was like ASSACDSVDSVBSDBASFVADBVDS XD
Aw, so cute, the wonderful lifetime of Lee Jinki :)
I want to be Jinki :)). Kibum is really... how can he even stole Jinki first kiss when Jinki was 8, and he was only 6. Tsk, tsk, naughty boy. Luckily, Jinki wasn't charge for his sexual intercourse with the underaged boy named Kibum. Our dubu had become a real decent bad boy :)
Kibum knows no boundaries XDDD I wasn't quite sure about writing that part, actually, since it's underage sex and all that xD but I wrote it anyway~ Yes, dubu the decent bad boy <3
Comments 89
I love you! it's the greatest! it's great that you made jinki's character like the real one and kibum's also... omg, I can't write a proper comment right now, I'm mind-blown o_o
I love the smex <3
I love you too LOL
I had to rush that ending so much (couldn't just leave Minho out~) and I was just posting it at around 2am when my mom turned up behind me >___________> Good thing she didn't read a thing and I was like ASSACDSVDSVBSDBASFVADBVDS XD
Glad you liked it <3
*5 minutes later*
ok XD damn... the smut wasn't a fail at all O_O
still don't know what to write, it was simple AMAZING and full of AWESOMENESS and...
"Jinki, I'm bored."
win XD Kibum saying that is SO RIGHT and i can imagine that right away XD
"Are you sure...?"
"Of course I am, my parents do it all the time."
i died here!!! XD
Possibly because Kim Kibum does things like this to him. Things.
sounds familiar... ;D
*gone lost reading again*
i loooveee youuu <333 :D
I love youuu toooo bb <333
You'll write something eventually~~
Your OnKey is win :)
I want to be Jinki :)). Kibum is really... how can he even stole Jinki first kiss when Jinki was 8, and he was only 6. Tsk, tsk, naughty boy. Luckily, Jinki wasn't charge for his sexual intercourse with the underaged boy named Kibum. Our dubu had become a real decent bad boy :)
So so cute!!!!
I wasn't quite sure about writing that part, actually, since it's underage sex and all that xD but I wrote it anyway~
Yes, dubu the decent bad boy <3
Thanks for reading! <3
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