
Jun 01, 2006 09:31

I am so immensly pissed off right now. I just read an article while I was looking up history information for my debate.

Recently, members of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas have been abusing their right to free speach.  They been traveling around the country and started protesting at the funerals of U.S sodiers who died in Afghanistan and Iraq.  They seem to view the troop's deaths as God's way of punishing the U.S for condoning homosexuality.  They say that American culture has generally accepted homosexuals, what we should renounce them dude the their illegedly immoral lifestyle.

Before this, they protested at homosexuals or people who had died of STD's as well.

Tyhey go around carrying signs such as "Thank God for Dead Soldiers" and "God Hates the U.S.A.,"  They then defent what they do as within their rights of the first ammendment.

they may have a right to free speach, but families also have a right to burry their loved ones in peace.  Funerals are sacred things.  Would you want to be burrying a mother or a brother or a cousin while hearing people in the backround screaming obsinities and things like God hates fags?!!

here's an example:

I myself happen to be a believer in God, I'm a methodist, and proud of it.

But this, this is disgusting.  They have asbsolutely no fucking right to do this.

In my opinion, these people asre the 'sinners'
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