Complaints? Oh YEAH!

Jul 20, 2009 00:22

My only real complaint about KHR.....
Is the damn recap episodes.
There might be other complaints but I can't think of them right now.
I'm on episode 127 right now
Chrome - I don't like her. 6996 is okay, I can see why so many people would like it. But I don't like Chrome. Its in her nature....nah
Gamma - He is cool....except for the whole almost killing yamamoto and gokudera. The fox's are really cool to.
Genkishi - Looks cool at a quarter turn looking down.....THATS IT. FUGLY anytime else.
Byakuran - Is hawtevil. really hawt. and really evil.
Lussuria - Necrogay? LOL Varia momma. XDDD
Belphegor - Pretty cool. Kinda wish Gokudera had been able to get the storm ring at the last minute.
Xanxus - His voice.... *q* and kickass with a miserable past. And the feathers.....AND A TAIL. Guns oh chayeah.....GUNS. Did I mention his voice? Varia daddy. XDDDDD
Levi A Than - I still don't like him but that Varia after Haru's show thing.....>8DDDD
Lal Mirch - I can't tell if I like her more than I like Bianchi. ColoLal is so awesome. He's her SAVIOR. >w<
Spanner - Is pretty cool. Like him.
Irie - Is cool. Not quite understanding the stomach cramps but okay.
Glo Xinia - I would prefer not to remember him
I don't remember anyone else between eps 40 and 127.

I dunno this person but I ran into his/her profile while looking for xanxus stuff.
omg...its lol.

For the present and future Hibari wallpaper
A friend on animepaper has given me the link to a vectored tyl hibari and this person is actually vectoring the present hibari for me so I can remake the bg.
Did Annette251's luffy bg. Its up on photobucket.
Whats next? :/
KHR TV TROPES ~ this isn't all of them but some of my favorites.
• A Boy And His X: A Boy and His Scheming Three-Years-Old Assassin Tutor.
• Angrish: Xanxus does this. A lot!
• Badass Normal: Yamamoto doesn't need to be shot in the head, or be related to mafia to kick everyone's asses.
• Boom Headshot: It's Reborn's anthem.
• Crouching Moron Hidden Badass: Tsuna, although he still won't kill anyone. But apparently freezing Xanxus counts as okay.
• Curb Stomp Battle: Hibari personified.
• Delinquents: Subverted in that they're actually the Disciplinary Committee, who all wear the Red Armband Of Leadership.
• Depraved Homosexual: Lussuria, who not only hits on jailbait but is also a necrophiliac. See also Camp Gay and Hard Gay.
• Dojikko: Dino, when he isn't cool, is really lame.
• Draco In Leather Pants: Hibari; Mukuro
• Dr Jerk: Dr. Shamal - only towards men. Unfortunately, 99% of the cast is male.
• Ducks In A Row: And how. Even in the latest chapters, new Bishonen are still being introduced! ( "Let me introduce you to the real six Funeral Wreaths!")
• The Evil Prince: Xanxus. Subverted because surprise! He's adopted. Also Belphegor, who is a) a prince, and b) batshit insane... because he's a prince.
• Gratuitous English: Haru 'Dangerous' Miura, especially her character song.
• Gratuitous Foreign Language: Italian!...though several of the characters are Italian. And Reborn! is about The Mafia. And most, if not all instances of it seem accurate.
• Gratuitous Japanese: For some reason, every mafioso in the series speaks Japanese fluently. In some cases this can be explained (such as with the Varia, who are all required to know at least 7 languages), but not with the Kokuyo gang, who are just normal extremely dangerous prisoners from Italy. Heck, Rokudo Mukuro, Kakimoto Chikusa, and Joshima Ken are all Italian expats with Japanese names.
• Highly Visible Ninja: Supposed elite assassin Superbia Squalo decides it'd be a great idea to go rampaging in a civilian shopping center in broad daylight, all while yelling at the top of his voice.
• Hot Blooded: Ryohei, to the extreme.
• Ho Yay: Shonen series + about unbreakable family bonds and all + written by a woman = OH GOD THE SUBTEXT!
• Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy: Guns aren't Bianchi's strong point.
• Implausible Fencing Powers: Boy who learns kendo in the span of a week defeats a bloodthirsty, expert assassin.
• Impossibly Cool Clothes: Suits are always cool and standard crime family fare, but the Varia one-ups the normal family with their leather numbers. See also the reason Mukuro picked Kokuyo as his base, Gokudera's outfit during his Ring battle, Longchamp.
• Improbable Weapon User: Dynamite. Yo-yos that shoot poisoned needles. Steroid dentures. A microwave clarinet.
o Behold! The fork is now a feared Mafia Weapon
 Why has it not been mentioned that Tsuna's X Gloves are also woolly mittens?
• Invisible To Normals: "Wow, toys nowadays are so realistic!"
o Now let's all go have a meeting about the next... sumo tournament.
• Jerk With A Heart Of Gold: Gokudera's The Smart Guy who really loves his boss, plays piano, and is suscribed to occult magazines. Mukuro's not a complete sociopathic bastard. Apparently Gamma isn't entirely a bastard, either. Even Xanxus gets a redeeming moment with a heartwarming "families stick together" speech. Now we're just waiting for Byakuran's Pet The Dog, because this is shounen.
• The Lancer: Yamamoto and Gokudera combine into this for their hapless boss.
o Squalo takes on this role with the Varia as well, being their (relatively) Only Sane Man.
• Lolicon: Ryouhei's crush for I-Pin in an omake probably doesn't count, but there's Giglio Nero's members' love for their boss Uni. Especially Gamma's.
Gamma: "Don't say stupid things, you bunch of lolicons."
Other members: "Wha?! Like you're not the most suspicious one here!!"
• Loony Fan: For the answer, look to the next trope.
• Mad Bomber: Gokudera
• Magnificent Bastard: Reborn
o Byakuran definitely fits the bill.
o With the reveal of who really masterminded the time travel plot, Tsuna gets props for putting the kids in significant danger just to motivate his younger self. His own younger self can't believe it was really him.
• Manipulative Bastard: Mukuro
o Don't forget about Reborn!
• My Kung Fu Is Stronger Than Yours: Shigure Souen style owns all.
• Naughty Tentacles: Everything involving Mammon fighting. And Glo. Basically whoever Chrome fights in general.
• Near Death Experience: Source of Tsuna's powers.
• Nerds Are Sexy: Irie Shouichi and Verde. So Yeah...
• New Powers As The Plot Demands
• Off Model: Episode 5 is the most famous example of Off Model from the anime, and has become a near meme in the Japanese fandom. Birthed a few FanNicknames.
o And they got their own Fansite !
• People Puppets: Fun with Mukuro and his plan to destroy the mafia and start World War III!
• Samus Is A Girl: I-pin. Later, Lal Mirch.
• Scary Black Man: Tazaru, initially.
• The Spartan Way: Reborn, Colonnello, and Lal Mirch all love to beat up their students.
• Spell My Name With An S: So is it Chiavarone or Cavallone? Also, Marmon/Mammon, Lussuria/Lissuria, Colonello/Colonnello, Mosca/Moska, etc.
• Spit Take: Both Tsuna and Yamamoto do one at the same time when Lambo comes in and tells them that, "right now, in the shower... THERE ARE A LOT OF BOOBIES!!"
• Spoiled Brat: Oh lord, Xanxus. Made especially noticeable when his resent about his childhood isn't nearly as justified as Butt Monkey Tsuna's.
• Spoiler Opening: Mukuro's Heel Face Turn and Chrome's existence in the second opening, Ryohei's box animal before it was even introduced in the manga in the fourth.
• Stepford Smiler: Byakuran
o Mukuro seems subject to this. He smiles even when his eye is bleeding .
• Talking Is A Free Action: Abused to a ridiculous amount. Honestly, does anything ever happen when people are talking? Or is it simply against this universe's physics?
• Tall Dark And Handsome: Yamamoto, Xanxus, Genkishi, Hibari... Pretty much anyone with dark hair in this series.
• Team Mom: Lussuria in some anime omakes. Its just as creepy as it sounds.
• Temporal Paradox: We'll fix the problems of the past... by fighting in the future?
• Theme Naming: The Varia are named after the Seven Deadly Sins or their associated demons, and the Millefiore family is largely named after flowers. A sizable amount of the casts' names reference Italian or European vehicles.
• Thirteen Going On Thirty: 'sup, Ten-Year Bazooka.
• Time To Unlock More True Potential
• Time Travel: Lambo's Ten Year Bazooka says hi.
• Third Person Person: Haru; Lambo-san
• Took A Level In Badass: Tsuna... after about nine volumes of fail.
• Training From Hell
• Xanatos Gambit: Most of future arc.
o At this rate, it's turning into a Thirty Xanatos Pileup.
• You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Mukuro, in bonus pineapple hairstyle.
o Fran happens to be this too.
• You Suck: Tsuna...all the way.

taken from

characters, katekyo, reborn, hitman

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