XD I finally got to meet up with Zoo-sempai again after 3 years~!!
i'm always away in Hong Kong whenever she comes back *dies*
lol, when she phoned me this morning at 10:30 i was really dead sounding
i have yet to learn how to sound awake on the phone if i'm woken up by a call
ppl always say, "errr.... were you still sleeping....??" and then i feel like an idiot cuz it's usually already late morning/early afternoon
when i was standing at the Burrard skytrain station, i suddenly kinda freaked out cuz i didn't know if i would recognize sempai T___T
after we met, we went to metrotown in search of random cosplay stuff... but in the end we couldn't find much...
so we went downtown and looked in Dressew and Army & Navy and actually found some things XD
haha, after that, i got to torture zempai with my inability to even win simple fights in KH and KH2... or make Sora run in a straight line...
First fight in KH
me: err.... is it possible to die while fighting these things...
sempai: no, those guys are tiny.
me: ...just watch as i die =____=
and i discovered that i'm not even successful at button-mashing...
XDDD;; then after dinner, i got to watch sempai beat Sephiroth in KH2
ps. Zoo-sempai, here's the link to the chapters of Vampire Knight -->
http://www.savefile.com/projects.php?pid=918754I think the first 3 volumes are already fully scanlated~