Midnight YAY!

Jan 31, 2009 00:56

Entãoeu estava lá sem fazer nada, quando achei esse site por acaso em algum comentário no LJ http://tvtropes.org . Tem várias coisas sobre spoilers, twist endings, yaoi fangirls, fanfics e é claro, CLAMP. É como um fandom database ou qualquer coisa parecida. Claro que existem categorias interessantes como Everyone is Bi! (não que eu tenha achado isso extamente na pagina sobre Clamp....), Cherry Blossoms, I just want to be special! e Stalker with a crush.
Quando eu entrei no link do Stalker with a Crush (através deum link de Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows) eu não vou negar que eu não estava procurando por um link para Twilight. *XD* So, I found this:

Eu sabia que ia ter algo assim no site! Cliquem no link para a page de Twilight e morram rindo, por favor. Eu só vou colar uns trechos que eu mais LOL. (os links são links para paginas, então dá pra perder horas nesse site, e os comentários são feitos pela pessoa que escreveu o texto)

These books contain examples of:
The Baxter - Mike Newton, Tyler Crowley, and Eric Yorkie. Humans just aren't good enough for Bella. Tyler could also qualify as Leisure Suit Larry.
Beware The Nice Ones - Manic Pixie Dream Girl Alice displays signs of temper, spite, and a less innocent side in the later books.
Canon Sue - Bella.
Cursed With Awesome - "THIS IS THE SKIN OF A KILLER, BELLA!" *sparkles*
Express Delivery - Oh boy. After Edward and Bella get pregnant the first time they have sex, they realize that the baby is growing too fast. In fact, the baby quickly tries to eat its way out of Bella, so Edward has no choice but to eat the baby OUT of Bella, causing her to become a vampire. (passe o mouse para ler a parte de spoiler para Breaking Dawn :D)
Everythings Better With Sparkles
Friendly Neighborhood Vampires - the Cullens, not very social but not intentionally harmful.
Hot Shoujo Dad - Carlisle. This bile-fascinated troper liked the movie a bit too much once Carlisle made his entrance.
Lets Meet The Meat - Well, technically.
Manic Pixie Dream Girl - Alice. Subverted in that she does start irritating Bella and others after a while, although no one outright hates her. Mind Rape - specifically Jane and Alec, although most of the Volturi can fall under this category.
Scenery Porn - The movie has a LOT of it.
Stalker With A Crush - Considering he snuck into her room to watch her sleep at night - before he was involved with her - Edward definitely qualifies.
Unfortunate Implications - Werewolf "imprinting" is introduced as not necessarily sexual... but when Quil imprints on little girl Claire, becoming a super-duper father figure, it's implied that they will have disturbing lycanthropic sex when she's of age. Won't that be an awkward conversation.
Unwanted Harem

Claro que tem mais \o/ So clicar em Twilight e passar a noite \o/
Eu já li a page toda, então VAMOS PARA A SEÇÃO CLAMP&afiliados :DD
Das quais as melhores tags/links são:E tem mais e mais e mais. Sorry mana Ruby, não achei nenhuma tag 'powerfull long-dark-haired magician' D:

Ah, e ainda na seção Stalker with a crush, uma citação pra Pride and Prejudice.
  • Mr. Darcy spends a chapter or two of Pride And Prejudice following Elizabeth around, staring at her, and eavesdropping on her to the point where Elizabeth is slightly creeped out. When they're both staying in kent, he stalks her favorite place to walk in the park. This doesn't stem from any malicious intent, however; it's just that Darcy is so socially inept, he has no idea how to act when falling in love.
Agora vou voltar a me divertir com o site ♥

harry potter, web is my new best friend, too many links, mangás, fandom, twilight, clamp, livros, animes

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