Vacation rocks

Oct 18, 2007 10:18

I am in Cornelia, Georgia. Britt had to come up for a security administrator's conference, and I took three days off from work to accompany him up here. Best decision ever. Sleeping in and not having to go to work for a while is nice. I haven't taken any vacation time since...I can't remember when actually. I'm trying to think if I've taken ( Read more... )


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!!! nahuelito October 18 2007, 18:03:57 UTC
i am so jealous! babyland general!


Re: !!! aya1081 October 18 2007, 19:02:21 UTC
it was...kinda creepy being there by myself. i don't think the new cabbage patch kids look anything like the ones i had. oh well, i think if/when i have kids, i'll take them there for nostalgia's sake.


Re: !!! nahuelito October 19 2007, 14:33:12 UTC
yeah, my first one had a cloth face and coton hair. i defniitely like the old ones better.


Re: !!! aya1081 October 18 2007, 19:07:30 UTC
also, i can't reply to your email until i get back to columbus. i'm using britt's laptop, which is running linux, and the web browser is weird. i keep clicking on "reply" on yahoo mail and nothing happens. oh well


Re: !!! nahuelito October 19 2007, 14:32:28 UTC
oh, michael insists on using linux all the time and then gets mad when things don't work.


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