Sep 24, 2006 20:12
It has been a helluva week. Molly and I drove up to Atlanta on Tuesday night after the gym. We were in new lawyer training all day Wednesday through Friday. I should feel smarter. I did learn some things, but man there is a lot to learn. Good thing we have specialist attorneys to call for any number of issues. It was nice to meet all the other new attorneys though. The two attorneys from the Dalton office were really nice. The four of us walked to Centennial Park and around for an hour or so. The park is beautiful at night with the colored fountains.
We came back Friday afternoon. Britt drove over and we hung out this weekend. We saw Fearless yesterday, the new Jet Li movie. It was pretty good. Today we saw The Illusionist with Molly. It was excellent. Maybe a tad predictable but still worth seeing. I can't wait for The Prestige now! Yay for movies with magic. We also watched Film Geek last night which was my Netflix movie. It might be the lowest budget movie I've ever seen, but it was pretty funny for the most part. The ending left a little to be desired. I tried my hardest to reconcile it in a way that made me feel positive, but I couldn't. I understand not wanting to have a cheesy Hollywood happy ending, but something positive is nice.
Finally, in more self-related news, I finally dyed my hair red on Monday night. It looks pretty good. When I get around to taking a picture, I will post it. w00t!
hanging out