Hello, crummy mood and desire to sleep instead of work. Haven't seen you guys in, oh, a couple of days. Ugh. This is my last week of work, and it couldn't be any more welcome. I'm freezing cold, and eating lunch outside in 97 degree weather didn't help. Office still frigid. I have no desire to get ready for my presentation on Thursday any more. The topic is boring me, so I can't imagine anyone else will be interested. I did finish Lord of the Flies, which got more interesting in the last 30 pages or so than the first 150. At least it was a quick read. Now, I have Portrait of the Artist that I borrowed from Britt. That should last me through the rest of my time in Chapel Hill, I think.
_dispatchedTop 5 Movies That Are Guaranteed to Make You Feel Happy No Matter How Shitty You Originally Feel (in no particular order)
1. Zoolander
2. Elf
3. Pride and Prejudice (all 5 hours)
4. Love Actually
5. Napoleon Dynamite
brittsaqtTop 5 Things to Do With Your Boyfriend (in no particular order)
1. Hang out in a bookstore and drink tea
2. Drive around and smoke cloves
3. Play scrabble ;)
4. Shop for new music
5. Cuddle and watch movies
Britt, I'd do your Top 5 Karate Moves one too, but as I told you I don't know 5 karate moves. I figure a list with "the crane kick thing from Karate Kid" 5 times over would be a bit much. Hehe.
elmakrTop 5 Things You Could Do to People When They Say: "Somebody's got a case of the Mondays!"
1. Punch them in the face
2. Curse them under your breath
3. Smile insipidly
4. Force them to watch your copy of Office Space and, in the process, re-discover your hatred of cubicles
5. Ask them kindly to "fuck off"
Top 5 Best Ways to Spend a Weekday Night by Yourself Without Homework
1. Catch up on sleep
2. Pour a glass of wine, light candles, and drink while taking a bath
3. Color pictures with crayons
4. Read something for pleasure
5. Order pizza and watch movies
Five Albums You Want to Recommend
1. Gang Gang Dance - God's Money
2. The Eames Era - The Second EP
3. Enon - Believo!
4. Dressy Bessy - Electrified (I've only heard a little of this, but I liked it alot)
5. Limbeck - Hi, Everything's Great
If others want to submit list ideas, that's cool. If not, umm. That's cool too. Actually no its not. Bite me ;)