So, it's Pi Day: 22/7, Pi as a fraction. I woke up, put on my Pi t-shirt, got the pies out of the freezer to defrost ... and then my plans went completely haywire, so I'm going to have a belated Pi Day during the week and I won't be making an attempt to break my record for reciting Pi. Honestly, I lack the motivation to break my record as it serves very little purpose and I've got plenty of other stuff to do and remember that has more significance to my life. It's kind of a shame, as memorising Pi was fun, but I'm just not sure trying to hit 500 digits is worth the time and effort.
Nonetheless, here's my Pi Day gift, a bit of a re-upload.
Video of me reciting 354 digits of Pi back in 2005. You can follow along too, if you can be bothered downloading a rather mundane clip of me reciting a bunch of numbers with my eyes covered. Here are the digits, broken up into the segments in which I remember Pi:
3.1415 926 535 8979 323 846264 3383 279502 8841 97169 3993 75105 820 974944 59230 7816 406 28620 8998 628 0348 2534 2117 0679 8214 808 651 3282 3066 4709 3844 609 5505 8223 172535 940 812848 1117 4502 8410 2701 938 5211 0555 9644 622 9489549 303 8196 44288 1097 5665 93344 6128 47564 8233 7867 8316 52712 019091 4564 8566 9234 6034 8610 454 3266 4821 3393 6072602 4914127 3724 587 006606 3155 8817 48815 209209 62829 25409 1715 3643 6789
At the moment, I can do about 200 digits off the top of my head.
Have a good one, folks.