In my
first entry in the political series, I outlined the basic foundation of my beliefs that is summarised in the well-known phrase "do unto others as you would have done unto yourself". Another important belief that forms the basis of my opinions is one I have written about in recent months, that of equality.
When I say I believe in equality, I mean it. I detest when people are judged on attributes they did not choose, such as gender and race, or on personal beliefs they have every right to hold, such as their religion. I have a serious problem with this sham touted as 'equality' in some circles where it is quite acceptable to give a person special benefits, assistance, exceptions, et cetera just because they're Aboriginal or African-American or blue hermaphrodites from a moon of Jupiter. That is certainly not equality - that's discriminating in favour of a particular race and often seems to come at the expense of whites. Now, any sane person knows that white people have committed awful deeds in the past, but that certainly does not justify any sort of "politically correct" disadvantage to white people today. Qualities such as race and gender have no bearings on one's intellect, so university policies giving advantages to coloured students should be scrapped this very second, and one's race has nothing to do with whether one's poor either! A basic demographic study can tell you that many members of certain groups in each country live in worse conditions than many members of other groups, but to suggest they are in those conditions because of their race is absurd (in other words, correlation does not equate to causation). Poor living conditions, drug abuse, violence, low educational achievement, and other such factors need to be addressed for the matters they are - the fact that the majority of people who need help are of a certain race should not even be a topic for discussion. Instead of focusing on giving special benefits to the majority suffering from particular problems, aid should seek to resolve the problems in the first place and thus equally help the majority and the minorities afflicted.
What I'm trying to say here is that everyone should be offered the same opportunities to succeed in life, and that all individuals should be on an equal footing where qualifications and capabilities rather than irrelevancies are judged. There are no inherent qualities within certain people that make them superior or inferior to other people. Attitudes of fear of superficial differences need to be discarded, and they definitely should not motivate any kind of official policies - political and governmental decisions should be based on pure equality, treating each human being as a human being of equal standing to any other. To do otherwise would be contrary to my basic principles and I see no way to consider it not discriminatory.
That should sufficiently describe my foundation for now: equality for every individual on the planet and "doing unto others as you would have done unto yourself". Fairness, generosity, peacefulness, and a complete lack of discrimination.