May 25, 2005 20:57
im so sick of this bullshit
i wish my lungs would collapse
i want to die right here right now
i thought there was things to live
for in life but i guess i was
there are people out there
that you think are your
freinds but later you find
out there nothing to you
but a back stabber...
and theres other people
who you think you love
who you want to be there
for you to talk to, to hold,
to run to...but those people are RARE...
i just want to understand people
im mean there are people who you can
understand and others you cant
im happy summer is coming so i
get to stay at my drunken mothers house
then come home and be in a very depressed
state of mind becuase ill do nothing but stay
home and that thought is pathetic...
i want to find someone who understands me
who knows me who WANTS to talk to me who
WANTS to be around me but i doubt ill find
one of those....
i thought i had one but i guess i was wrong
it kinda hurts to find out that the one you
thought loved you doesnt....
so if your bored over the summer give
me a call to see if im ok cuase i might accidently
fall and not get up