70% P3, 30% misc.

Oct 14, 2009 13:22

Persona 3 log: Around 30+ or 50+ hours; can't remember the exact number, but I'm about 5 days away from fighting the Hermit Boss.

Currently at level 42-43, with the rest of my party members averaging about 37/38. Juggling the characters around to level them all evenly is tough though, especially since I have an odd number of party members available at the moment. As it is, I push them until they're worn out before rotating - clearly, the just-before-full-moon nights (when they never tire out) makes this a bit of a quandry. ^^; Hoping to hit level 45 before I go face the boss this round.

And if juggling team members are tough, juggling the personas around is tougher! (>3<) Trying to keep relevant personas for the Social links and still fuse high-level ones almost always results in a lot of yen-spending - the last round ate about 100k just to shuffle them all around. Thank goodness it's not all that hard to pick up yen in Tartarus or I'd be broke by now. Elizabeth doesn't help with all her requests requiring fusion. Why oh why do we only get 12 slots; I hope we get more later on?

Also maxed out all the stats, yay! (^o^)9 That's one hurdle out of the way. Have three Social Links maxed out - only too many more to go! +.+ Hope I have enough time to whack all of them.

Aigis, why is your winning sequence so moe? ♥

BUT SANADA IS WINNAR FOREVER, YUS. ♥ Even if he completely fails at picking up girls (Operation Babe Hunt, WHAT.)

Death (and the rattling chains) is freaky. *totally runs for the next floor/warp point whenever the warning/chains sfx comes*

Finally got the actual-full version (all of four minutes plus) of 'Burn my Dread' - loving the funky-rock mix. I love how the lyrics match the game so well too, although I still can quite decipher the words when sung. ^^;

(And yes, 'back-dated' is my new middle name.)

Going down to Singapore next week to do some FYP research in the NUS library with some friends. Educational purposes aside, it'll be fun, I hope! ^^

I should do a Chiko photo-spam soon - I think I have more pictures of her than of myself/other people in my phone these past few months! Then again, I should probably upload some of the photos I've taken in uni, at least on Facebook.

Getting into K-pop could be bad for my brain. Oops, too late. 8D;;

EDITEI: Oh, forgot to mention, also finally got my hands on that Olympic closing song I wanted - 'The Moon is Bright Tonight' (Jin Ye Yue Ming)! (^o^) Glad I stumbled across it - all my searching back then availed to nothing. *happily loops it again*

EDITEI: HOCRAP, a cockroach just ran out from under by external hard-drive and it can fly. I'm not so bad with the ones that creep along the ground, but ugh ugh ugh, flying cockroaches are the worst!

My mom, Superwoman that she is, took a few pieces of tissue paper in her hand, squished it, threw it in the dustbin and sprayed Sheltox in it (the dustbin) for good measure. Go Mom! What would I do without you? \(T^T)/

*fangirls*, gamelog

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