I was thinking that today would have been kicked off by Research Methodology and the first day of our Finals.
And oh man, was I wrong. *winces* Painfully and utterly wrong.
At around 1.15 a.m this morning, my left kneecap slipped out of position right when I was about to go to bed. This hasn't occurred in ages, which was bad enough.
Worse, it stayed out until about 2.00 a.m, during which time I couldn't bring myself to straighten my leg because of the sheer agony attached to the effort of doing so. Cue pain, pain, PAAAAAAIN and more pain.
The kneecap went to the left and, to my utter horror, did not pop back in like it usually does (in these kinds of cases anyway). I'm thinking it's because I fell against the dresser, which bent my leg and probably allow the slip to remain out.
And before you go, 'WTF AXTAR WERE YOU DOING SNAPPING PHOTOS D8<', you try distracting yourself from the pain of a slipped kneecap and the muscle ache in your lower leg for over thirty minutes. =_= It was a break from the 'your knee will be okay later' mantra that kept replaying in my head (which unfortunately, didn't help much with the pain).
My mom initially tried to help me straighten out my leg (because that's the only way the kneecap was going to pop back in), but my leg hurt every time it was moved. Calling the hospital didn't help either - doctors don't come out on house calls apparently, and if they actually manage to shift me into an ambulance, my leg would probably straighten out by itself and the whole hospital trip (and powwow fuss that would come with it) would be unnecessary.
God bless Uncle Terry in the end; when called, he rang up his sister-in-law, who was an orthopedic surgeon and came over. Until now, I'm not sure how he did it, but he managed to lift my leg up and pull it straight with as minimal pain and discomfort as he could.
Ended up not being able to sleep the whole night in the end due to the discomfort and soreness and went off to uni at eight for the research meth exam at nine. Thank God my mom called the uni staff early - they allowed me to do my exam paper in a separate venue on the ground floor (the original venue was two floors up). Granted, the knee guard and crutch probably helped my case lots too.
My knee is horribly stiff and sore right now, with little twinges of pain shooting through it when it is shifted after being stuck in a position for too long. But at least it's back in. *sighs* Probably going to be hobbling for the next few days though.
On a brighter(?) note, today's exam wasn't as bad as I thought it would be! The feeling of being the only one in an exam hall is a bit disconcerting though. I kind of got the feeling that the invigilator wanted me to be done with my paper ASAP, but unfortunately for him, I'm one of those students who like to stick around for the whole duration of the exam paper.
Discourse analysis on Thursday - hopefully no mishaps will happen before that paper. +.+