Today, I went with
carneaglariel and
enigmatic_wind to watch 'Up' in Sunway Pyramid today. I've been hearing rave reviews about it and even reasons to bring tissue paper to the cinema during the movie. That, snowballed with the fact that it's Pixar pretty much meant I would eventually check it out.
And boy, it doesn't disappoint! I didn't cry the 'one litre of tears'
piratelicker did, but I did end up sniffling at several points in the movie (yes, including the short clip before the movie began and the ending.) And I have to agree with Reins on the OST - gorgeous, gorgeous music that complemented the animation and story really well. And all those vibrant colors and smooth, amazing animation and guh.
The plot is simple enough to follow, but unfolds so beautifully without actually being shoved directly into your face. (Also, it is apparently so subtly conveyed that a kid behind me kept asking her parents what the heck was going on on the screen. +.+ Mmmmm, I'm thinking this may be a movie tailored more towards the older crowd then.)
Loving the character development as well - Carl's (obviously) the one given the most attention and focus, but I like how his development is clearly tied in with the other characters whom, while less developed (even static at times), are pretty likable. And Dug. ♥
Not going to drop any spoilers here, but do check it out if you can. It is definitely worth the watch and-
- I mean, and will be worth the time and money spent. Seriously.
Not really related, but I really want to watch 'The Princess and the Frog' once it hits theaters. And wow, I really miss the good ol' Disney movies, like 'Aladdin' and co.
Anyway, the bunch of us took some purikura pictures afterwards and divided the photos amongst ourselves. Here are the ones I got. (Sorry about the picture quality; my scanner is old. T^T)
We started out pretty 'seriuz'. Really, we did.
BAHAMAS GETAWAY; can't you just feel that sun. Please to be excusing the shark; it wanted some phototime too.
This is so Chinese-New-Year-y to me somehow; must be all that red. Also, may just be totally off, but I think I pulled off the
'Yesung smile' here, LOL. What do you think?
HONG KONG DRAMA IN YOUR BATHTUB - no one gave me the memo that we were supposed to not look Seriuz(tm). D8<
You know that saying 'Too much of a good thing can be bad for you'?
Well, clearly it doesn't apply to us. 8D Because we are awesome. TOO MUCH AWESOMENESS IN ONE PICTURE, MUST SHIELD EYES.
Will add another picture-cut once I get the other pictures, because seriously you guys, there are more epic pictures than these. For serious.
In other news, I passed 'Captain Jack' on DDR today! \(^o^)/ With a quarter bar left to boot. Turns out it was easier than 'Cartoon Heroes', mostly because the latter has more double steps. Hoping to replicate that the next time I take a whack at that machine.