They come in all kinds now

Oct 21, 2008 16:05

Doing this meme because i) it's popping out all over my F-list (like daisies!) and ii) I somehow got tagged, orz.

Cosplay History Meme!
01. Post the rules
02. Answer each question truthfully
03. Tag 3-5 people at the end.

01. What was your first cosplay?
Originally, I was going to do Belldandy (default blue version) for CF05, but due to a last-minute change (and some strong opposition from my mother), I did Izumi Curtis from Full Metal Alchemist instead. Thinking back, it was probably a good thing that change occurred; the chances of my cosfuing Belldandy was (and still kinda is) pretty darn high. XD;;

02. Did someone get you into cosplay? Or on your own?
I was buoyed along by friends who were into it; it looked fun, so I figured 'why not'? ^^

I don't cosplay very often though; I usually do only one costume per year, with 2006 being the exception where I did two (Chizuru was a very-last-minute thing).

03. What is your favourite cosplay?

Hazuki from Suikoden V, hands down - I love her outfit and it's so comfortable to move around in! Granted, she's a fairly obscure character (in a game with 107 others, is it any wonder?), but she is kick-ass, which pretty much makes up for everything else. Alas, I haven't found a Belcoot to chase take photos with...

Kudos to carneaglariel for randomly flipping through the Suikoden V book with me (it was hers, btw); thanks Jac'kee~♥ >3

04. Which is your least favourite?
I don't particularly have a least favorite costume, but if I had to choose, it'd be Izumi Curtis; I didn't do much justice to her. ^^;;

5. At conventions, do people compliment you on your cosplays?
Occasionally, I suppose? I'm the one being awed by other cosplayers, really. =D

6. How many have you done?
4 to date:
i) Izumi Curtis (FMA)
ii) Hazuki (SuiV)
iii) Chizuru Kagura (KOF)
iv) Hinoe (Harutoki 3) - *still incomplete because this procrastinator hasn't gotten around to fixing the wig, ORZ*

7. What are the top 5 on your list of "Want to Cosplay"?
*coughs* Where I'm concerned, this is more of a 'Top 5 Axtar Wishes She Could Cosplay But Likely Won't Be Able To'. In no particular order:

Kurou Yoshitsune (Harutoki 3)

As if the outfit doesn't give me enough brain-break - that's some seriously impressive head-eating dragon hair, isn't it? 8D I absolutely love Kurou as a character though, so it'd be awesome if I could pull him off someday (and not have it be a cosfu either)!

Inahime (Samurai Warriors)

Haven't gotten around to playing SW/WO (yet), but from the few videos of her on Youtube, she is kick-ass, yay! >D I like her costume design as well - definitely something I'd like to attempt someday, crazy bow and all.

Jade Curtiss (Tales of the Abyss)

In this category because WHO KNOWS WHEN/IF I'LL EVER DO IT (IF I EVEN CAN)? The idea of even doing Jade was totally planted into my head, thanks to certain people and now, I really want to cosplay as him. XD;; Helps that he has a pretty nice design, IMHO. *needs to watch TotA ASAP*

Cassandra Alexandra (Soul Calibur 3)

The women from Soul Calibur are awesome, awesome fighters with amazing character designs. That said, I really like Cassandra's design in SCIII, though I still have doubts about them big poofy sleeves. Another shield+weapon set though, whyyyyyy.

Zhuge Liang (Dynasty Warriors)

NO, SERIOUSLY. Think about it - if I can get past the hurdle of the break-wallet brocade cloth, tailoring and the occasional fits of lulz, how epic would this be? ZHUGE 'THE SLEEPING DRAGON' LIANG. In your face, Sephiroth! Hey, with strategic photoshopping, I might even be able to reduplicate his laser light show musou! 8D

(I'm actually serious. Serious.)

8. What female cosplay do you want to do most?
Right now, I'd be glad if I even finish this year's plan! But I'd like to do Inahime as soon as time, money (and grades!) allow me to. =D

9. What male cosplay do you want to do most?
...You have no idea how tempted I am to say 'Zhuge Liang'.

But no, I'd rather find some way to finish Jade first. >D

10. What do you prefer to do, make or buy your costumes?
This is a no-brainer for me; I can't sew a full piece of apparel to save my life. Thankfully (or maybe not), my mom is an awesome tailor. >3

11. Your most memorable experience? What makes it so memorable?
Every moment is memorable!

12. Your dream cosplay?
Always the costume I'm trying to achieve next. This year's would be Xing Cai.

13. Is there a pattern in your cosplays? If so, what?
For some reason, the characters I pick are always great fighters. I need to learn how to emanate that 'warrior aura' the next time I cosplay.

15. What do you prefer? Cosplaying in a group or on your own?
I haven't really participated in a cosplay group (with the exception of one FMA shoot) to compare, but if I had to take a guess, groups should be considerably more fun - more interaction, both character-wise and RL-wise. Plus, it's always enjoyable to share an experience. ^^ On the other hand, I suppose one could feel pressured to not let down the group if everyone else are pulling off their characters amazingly?

14. Your most recent cosplay?
Hinoe (Harutoki 3) last CF. XD;;;

Erm, who's left to tag? I've lost track of who has been tagged and whatnot, so...

If you're reading this and you cosplay, then I suppose you're it! 8D


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