I kind of echo
yuncyn's sentiments about our Journalism paper today: 'I feel the intense need to die.' (Mentally, at least.)
Why yes, it was that bad - journalism has never been my forte and, guess what? It still isn't, which really didn't help much during the actual exam itself. Still I did the best I could - hopefully, I'll scrape through with at least an A- if I'm lucky?
We worked out some of the frustration on the House of the Dead machine in Summit and bounced on the Mickey DDR for a bit. 8D I couldn't persuade Denise to go bowling though, alas. Will flip through Oral Communication tomorrow.
But anyway, onto other things! Like memes, for instance.
One word time passer
Remember: one word answers to the following 34 questions.
1. Where is your mobile phone? ----------- somewhere
2. Your significant other? --------------------- nobody
3. Your hair? -------------------------------------- long
4. Your mother? --------------------------------- bedroom
5. Your father? ----------------------------------- heaven
6. Your favourite thing? ------------------------ innumerable
7. Your dream last night? --------------------- strange
8. Your favourite drink? ------------------------ water
9. Your dream/goal? --------------------------- novel
10. The room you're in? ----------------------- usual
11. Your ex? --------------------------------------- none
12. Your fear? ------------------------------------- undefinable
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? --- home
14. Where were you last night? -------------- mamak
15. What you're not? ---------------------------- heathen
16. Muffins? --------------------------------------- scones
17. One of your wish list items? ------------- happiness
18. Where you grew up? ---------------------- Subang
19. The last thing you did? ------------------- bathe
20. What are you wearing? ------------------ pajamas
21. Your TV? ----------------------------------- busted
22. Your pets? ----------------------------------- cute
23. Your computer? --------------------------- stuffed
24. Your life? ------------------------------------ hectic
25. Your mood? -------------------------------- tired
26. Missing someone? ------------------------ yes
27. Your car? --------------------------------- mom's
28. Something you're not wearing? -------- hat
29. Favourite Store? ----------------------------- Kinokuniya
30. Your summer? ------------------------------ scorching
31. Like someone? ----------------------------- nah
32. Your favourite colour? -------------------------- all
33. When is the last time you laughed? ---- today
34. Last time you cried? ------------------------ secret