3 Reasons why Axtar is currently a happy, happy person:

Oct 07, 2007 23:53

Yes, my friends, that's the hard-drive I've been wanting to get for ages and have been whining to everyone I can get my hands on about. 8DDDD (CAN YOU NOT FEEL THE HAPPY?) 80 GB more to fill with my random crap - I can't wait!

With a pair of new speakers to boot!

*SPARKLES* Mum, ILU. ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Also, Furuba is so much sparkly love (though I suspect I may be banging my head against the wall soon going 'WHY [insert angsty-character-name here] WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY') Is it possible to love all the characters (except Akito, but then again, I still have a long way to go, so...)

*SPARKLES* carneaglariel, ILU too. ♥♥♥

And now, for a meme I nabbed from sagaranna:

Our Friends: The Soundtrack

In this post, I want you to upload the song you feel describes you the best. It can be any song you want. Any genre, any language - it doesn't even need to have words, if you don't want them! The trick is you have to tell me (and whoever else is reading) what it is about that song that you feel reflects who you are. In two days I'll put all the songs into a huge .zip file, along with the song I feel describes me the best, and we'll have our own friends-list soundtrack!

I'll post mine first: 'Topsy Turvy' from the Hunchback of Notre Dame Pretty much self-explanatory (The silliness? Melodramatic drum-rolls? Quirky, all-out fun?) >DDDDDD

C'mon guys, this'll be fun!

*fangirls*, zomg, music, meme, photos, yay!

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