Random Assortment

Mar 18, 2009 19:00

It seems while recovering from a mystery illness, there is far too much time to absorb and ponder haphazard facts that have filtered through the ears and eyes into the little gray cells.

baby boom..4.32 million-baby tally for 2007, more than the 4.30 million babies born in 1957 (the height of the Baby Boom)demographer Arthur Nelson attributes the 2007 numbers to a "perfect storm" of factors: more immigrants having children, professional women who delayed childbearing until their 40s, and larger numbers of women in their 20s and 30s in the population, keeping the fertility rate high. The average number of births per woman was 2.1 in 2006, the highest since 1971.

change in scrabble...new words added as acceptable in the official dictionary, 'za', 'qi' and 'zzz'. In reaction to creating more words with the higher point tiles, some suggest altering the rules to accommodate the fact there are now more words available to create. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123731266862258869.html?mod=yhoofront#project%3DSCRABBLE_0903%26articleTabs%3Dinteractive

dog breeding...watching a show describing various breeds and they hit the English Bulldog and French Bulldog. According to the program, these breeds are so top-heavy they are unable to breed naturally and the female's hips so small she cannot deliver naturally. Now, aren't breeders supposed to improve the breed? How does breeding the dog to the point that they are no longer capable of natural reproduction an improvement?! Don't even get me started about brachycephalic (flat faced) dogs. I consider it cruelty.

alien architects...flipping through channels I struck upon a passionate supporter of alien architects for the great pyramids and monuments found around the world. Personally, I am clueless how these were created, yet, I like to give my ancestors the benefit of attributing to them intellect enough to do it. The "computer" found off the Greek coast or the "Baghdad battery" are examples in my mind that prove the ingenuity of the ancients. I feel insulted for the forerunners. It would seem if a problem is created the moderns cannot solve, there are those that leap to the alien solution.
It still seems to stun researchers that they had technology and possessed ingenuity. Hell, I remain impressed the Hanging Gardens existed and at the sheer size of the pyramids, no matter what their purpose might be.
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