Well that was a strange day.....

Dec 01, 2005 20:03

For a start, I feel like shite. Theres some kind of evil lurgy plague going around, I've got it. So much for the "you'll be much healthier if you give up smoking" line. Since I feel really, really shite, I even took the day off sick. Since I spend a large proportion of my working life contracting, not going into work meant not getting paid. Therefore unless I was actually incapable of focusing on the screen (just with one eye counts), I'd go into work and hope that my spasticated mashing of keys on the keyboards might actually be productive. Therefore I have to be really bad to not go in. The fact I went to sleep just as fter I got home from work on wednesday generally means I'm not in the best state.

So I get a phone call asking me to come into the office. This is odd, on the grounds that things will normally fix themselves, or I'll sort it out over the phone on the rare times the ever do actually ring me on a day off. Oh no this time my presence was actually required. Since my employers were staring down the toilet bowl of financial security I though it better to do so..... to discover that my erstwhile employers were no longer staring down the toilet bowl of fiscal doom, but where happily circumnavigating the u-bend of insolvency. Bugger, said Pooh.

So, one of our customers have bought the developers that was working on the project. Which as luck would have it, includes me. So I have yet to join the great unwashed. Execpt I'm now an evil kontractor skum _again_. And a contract on its way that could have some really quite nasty tax implications for someone. Hopefully its not me.....

So I've gone from unemployed to self employed in less that six hours. Cool. Got the horrible feeling that my estwhile employers owe me some money, just need to find my contract (assuming theres any money in the pot to pay up....)

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