The Fish Legacy - 01.11

Jul 31, 2019 07:17

Last time on The Fish Legacy:

Kayla and Axolotl were a little too affectionate in the library, Banjo was the literal worst at making friends, and Guitar decided force choking people was the answer to all of life's little inconveniences.

I'm really determined for Banjo, at least, to make one friend, so as soon as they get home from the park, I have her call up Alyse.

Banjo: Excellent. Another minion.


I realized belatedly that playing video games with other Sims doesn't actually increase thier relationship score...

...but Banjo makes the best faces while gaming, so I'm cool with it.

Guitar: This mossy toilet seat reminds me of my childhood.

Okay, first of all, you're still a child. Secondly...


Banjo: Cluck, cluck, Motherclucker!

On the plus side, Kayla never needs to be afraid of her children because she's such a BAMF.

Also, Banjo's not that great at being evil.

I've started having Axolotl hand out autographs to all the neighborhood children so hopefully whoever is married in will bring that with them.

Another screenshot of Banjo determinedly not making friends.

Even though she's been socializing like crazy with absolutely everyone.


Axolotl: If only this violin were smaller, I could accurately portay my feelings about getting older.

Banjo continues to be the weirdest child. She rolls so many whims to Watch TV, but always Civic Public Access or the World Culture Network.

Banjo: All the tragedies in this world make me happy.

Kayla: Is this where she gets it from?

I don't think there will ever be an answer to that question, love.

It's taken a really long time, but Axolotl's finally the only Sim in the house again sometimes.

Nice location for a shower there, buddy.

When it's just her in the house, I send her to the cafe to play violin.

I was getting a bit nervous about her birthday, so I paused gameplay for two real-life weeks to focus on building them a new house instead. And the second I unpaused the game...

Axolotl got this chance card...

Which led to a promotion...

Which led to becoming a Global Superstar...

Which, of course, culminated in her completing her second aspiration.

This is the result of the chance card, if you're curious. I had to click out of literally all of the above alerts in order to see it.

And this is their newest house. I'm actually kind of happy with it.

Here's the back. (You can tell it's very much unfinished, but I have some ideas of where I want to take it once they have more money.)

The first floor.

The second floor.

And the selection of Axolotl's third (and, likely, final) aspiration, Successful Lineage.

Banjo: My mom is some kind of overachieving freak.

So is your brother!

Not only did he achieve his childhood aspiration, he also maxed his creativity skill!

Axolotl: My Dirk senses are tingling.

Dirk: Hey! You're the woman that stole my wife.

Dirk: Well, look at me now! You can't compare to this, can you?

Axolotl: Uh. Sure. Why not? I still got Kayla, though.

Axolotl isn't as excited about her new house as I am.

Not a chance.

Axolotl's finally aging up into an adult.

We invited Cassidy and her daughters. (I'm kind of obsessed with Jessica--the brunette--right now.)

Casandra: See? This is the lot where mom had her heart broken.

The kiddos immediately head for the video game console.

While I notice for the first time that those knives in the background are horribly misplaced.

Don't get that in her eyes, Guitar!

Guitar: But what's the point if no one gets hurt?

...Please don't look at her like that, Guitar.

Guitar: Like what? 😇


Axolotl: Still got it.

Near the end of the party, Kayla and Axolotl have their own private Guitar's bed. 😒

Casandra: You're just going to let her cheat like that?

Cassidy: Wow. You would rat out your own mother?

With Axolotl's current aspiration, it makes sense for her to enroll Banjo in Scouts.

Banjo: Everyone's growing up but me!

True story.

Kayla has the day off, so while the kiddos are at school, she and Axolotl go on their first date in a very long time.

Ollie's pretty excited about it.

What is cat-ears swooning over?

Ah. Carry on.

Now that Axolotl's a Word Famous Celebrity, the papparazzi situation is truly out of hand.

I think maybe she's not all that into being a celebrity anymore. Either that, or she really hates violin.

Well, your day's about to get better, Guitar, because it's time for your birthday party!

This is Alyse as a teen. I'm surprised she has a bottom lip.

And this is Gordon. (The kid Guitar played chess with in the park that one day.)

And Adelynn. Why are you such a terror??

Time to grow up, buddy.

Guitar rolled Loves Music and Computer Whiz.

Guitar: You mean, I aged into a nerd?

A slightly famous nerd.

Ooh. She pretty.

Guitar: I can't talk to her. She's out of my league!

Guitar: *poutpoutpout*

Being a teen is hard, you guys.

Luckily, he has Axolotl to be his wingman.

(Seriously. That one time they went to the park? I had Axolotl greet every child and teen that arrived so Guitar and Banjo stood a chance at having a future spouse friends.)

And Guitar, honestly, is going to need as much help as he can get.

I know her pink hair is because of her mother, but Jaycee seems like a Sim who would befriend (or maybe even date?!?) an artistically-inclined nerd.

Both: Nerds, unite!

Total Points:
We're not tracking points anymore. We're just...not.

the sims 4, the fish legacy, generation one

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